
#' GSE19830 proportions
#' tissue proportions from GSE19830 experiment:
#' 3 tissues (liver, brain and lung) were mixed in different proportions:
#' GSM495209-GSM495211 pure liver samples
#' GSM495212-GSM495214 pure brain samples
#' GSM495215-GSM495217 pure lung samples
#' GSM495218-GSM495220 5 % Liver / 25 % Brain / 70 % Lung
#' GSM495221-GSM495223 70 % Liver / 5 % Brain / 25 % Lung
#' GSM495224-GSM495226 25 % Liver / 70 % Brain / 5 % Lung
#' GSM495227-GSM495229 70 % Liver / 25 % Brain / 5 % Lung
#' GSM495230-GSM495232 45 % Liver / 45 % Brain / 10 % Lung
#' GSM495233-GSM495235 55 % Liver / 20 % Brain / 25 % Lung
#' GSM495236-GSM495238 50 % Liver / 30 % Brain / 20 % Lung
#' GSM495239-GSM495241 55 % Liver / 30 % Brain / 15 % Lung
#' GSM495242-GSM495244 50 % Liver / 40 % Brain / 10 % Lung
#' GSM495245-GSM495247 60 % Liver / 35 % Brain / 5 % Lung
#' GSM495248-GSM495250 65 % Liver / 34 % Brain / 1 % Lung
#' @docType data
#' @name proportionsLiverBrainLung
#' @usage data(proportionsLiverBrainLung)
#' @format An object of class \code{'matrix'}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @references Shen-Orr SS, Tibshirani R, Khatri P, et al. cell type-specific gene expression differences in complex tissues. Nature methods. 2010;7(4):287-289. doi:10.1038/nmeth.1439.
#' (\href{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20208531}{PubMed})
#' @source \href{http://qtlarchive.org/db/q?pg=projdetails&proj=moore_2013b}{QTL Archive}
#' @examples
#' @export
#' data("proportionsLiverBrainLung")
#' mixedProportions <- proportionsLiverBrainLung[, 10:42]
#' barplot(mixedProportions, main='Proprotions of tissues in samples', col=c('#00BA38','#F8766D', '#619CFF'),
#'         legend = rownames(mixedProportions))
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