STRAND-package: STRAND: Social network analysis and simulation in R using...

STRAND-packageR Documentation

STRAND: Social network analysis and simulation in R using Stan


The STRAND package provides four categories of important functions: network simulation functions, network analysis functions, summary functions, and results visualization functions.


If you use STRAND, please cite us:

Ross, C. T., McElreath, R., and Redhead, D. (2024). Modelling animal network data in R using STRAND. Journal of Animal Ecology, 93(3), 254-266.

Redhead, D., McElreath, R., and Ross, C. T. (2023). Reliable network inference from unreliable data: A tutorial on latent network modeling using STRAND. Psychological methods.

Network simulation functions

The package can be used to simulate network data under stochastic block models, social relations models, and latent network models. These tools allow for simulation not only of realistic human social networks, but also allow researchers to simulate the effects of potential biases—like respondents falsely reporting ties or failing to recall real ties—on network level properties.

Network analysis functions

Users can specify complex Bayesian social network models using simple lm() style syntax. Single-sampled self report data can be modeled using stochastic block models or the social relations model, with or with-out covariates. Double-sampled network data can be modeled using a latent network approach that accounts for inter-respondent disagreement.

Summary functions

Users can summarize Stan results into tables with a simple interface.

Visualization functions

Users can visualize Stan results with a simple interface.


Maintainer: Cody Ross

See Also

Useful links:

ctross/STRAND documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 6:02 a.m.