Man pages for currocam/toolkit4pySCA
A set of useful functions for performing an Statistical Coupling Analysis from scratch in R and using pySCA

download_tax_from_ncbiCreate a dataframe with taxonomic information extracted from...
eigenspectrum_SCA_positional_coevolution_matrix_plotPlot the eigenspectrum of the SCA positional coevolution...
extract_tidy_df_from_hmmerExtract a tidy data frame with the hmmer results.
global_similarity_matrix_dataIt computes the data from the similarity matriz in order to...
global_similarity_matrix_heatmapPlot a heatmap in order to visualize global view of the...
pairwise_sequence_identities_dataIt computes the data from the simmilarity matrix in order to...
pairwise_sequence_identities_histPlot a histogram of all pairwise sequence identities
pipePipe operator
position_specific_conservation_dataPosition-specific conservation for each position
position_specific_conservation_plotPlot the position-specific conservation values for each...
read_pySCA_pickleReads the pickle file produced by pySCA and returns a list of...
SCA_correlation_matrix_dataSCA correlation matrix data
SCA_positional_coevolution_matrix_components_dataIt returns the independent components and the eigenmodes...
SCA_positional_coevolution_matrix_eigenvalues_dataEigenspectrum of the SCA positional coevolution matrix and 10...
sequence_correlation_matrix_projections_dataIt computes the data from the PCA and IC and creates a tidy...
sequence_correlation_matrix_projections_plotPlot a facet grid projection
write_sectors_for_pymolWrite a small script in pymol where you load the PDB file and...
currocam/toolkit4pySCA documentation built on April 7, 2022, 8:17 p.m.