phmmer_HBG2_HUMAN: phmmer_HBG2_HUMAN

phmmer_HBG2_HUMANR Documentation



A list containing the results of 200 entries after searching HBG2_HUMAN sequence in phmmer against PDB and SwissProt, then preparing the results to perform statistical coupling analyses using pySCA.




An object of class list of length 3.


A list containing the following items:

  • df: a data frame with 1029 rows and 78 columns. It contains the results of searching with phmmer against PDB and SwissProt. It has as many entries as domains have been identified and is intended to make use of the group_by function, in order to access information related to the hash 'stats' and 'sequences'. To understand the meaning of the columns, see extract_tidy_df_from_hmmer

  • fullfasta: An AAStringSet from the Biostrings library containing all completed sequences found with phmmer. It is intended to be filtered for redundancy using unique() and with df-related information (e.g. e-value) using [] indexes.

  • aln: An MsaAAMultipleAlignment of non-redundant sequences whose e-value and the best e-value of their domains was less than 0.001. The alignment was performed using msaClustalW.


currocam/toolkit4pySCA documentation built on April 7, 2022, 8:17 p.m.