
#' Visualize backshift
#' @param obj an `e_frame` object
#' @param show_fixed display the original fixed demand
#' @param aggregate level of aggregation.
#' @return
#' dygraph with the results
#' @export
#' @examples
#' 1+1
viz_storage_flows <- function(obj){
  data.frame(datetime = obj$setup$time$series,
             flow =  obj$demand$output$v_soc) %>%
    df_to_ts() %>%
    dygraph() %>%
    dyAxis("y", label = "kWh") %>%
    dyOptions(fillGraph = TRUE)


#' @export
viz_storage_soc <- function(obj){
  data.frame(datetime = obj$setup$time$series,
             `state of charge` =  cumsum(obj$demand$output$v_soc)) %>%
    df_to_ts() %>%
    dygraph() %>%
    dyAxis("y", label = "kWh") %>%
    dyOptions(fillGraph = TRUE, colors = c("orange"))
cvmartin/eflows.viz documentation built on May 12, 2019, 10:49 a.m.