library(dplyr) #for pipes, filtering, and selecting
library(stringr) #for str_c
library(reshape2) #for melting
library(ggplot2) #for plotting
library(cowplot)     # for plot_grid
library(magick)      # for drawing images
library(extrafont) #for fonts
library(scales) # for ::

text_size <- 12
static_well_types <- function(lake) {
  df <- CSLSdata::dictionary[[lake]]
  df <- df %>%
        filter(obs_type == "GW") %>%
        select(site_id = site_id, 
               class = static_iso_class_detailed)
  classes <- unique(df$class)
  table   <- NULL
  for (class in classes) {
    sites <- df$site_id[df$class == class]
    sites <- str_c(as.character(sites), sep = "", collapse = ", ")
    class <- str_replace(as.character(class), "_", " ")
    class <- str_to_sentence(class)
    this_row <- c(class, sites)
    table    <- rbind(table, this_row)
  table <-
  rownames(table) <- NULL
  colnames(table) <- c("Gradient Type", "Wells")

get_well_types <- function(lake){
  df            <- runall_csls_inputs(lake)
  df            <- df %>%
                   filter($GWin_sites) == FALSE &
                            .data$GWin_sites != "") %>%
                   select(.data$date, .data$GWin_sites, .data$GWout_sites)
  df$date       <- format(df$date, "%b %Y")
  colnames(df)  <- c("Month", "Upgradient Wells", "Downgradient Wells")

get_gw_gradient_d18O <- function(lake) {
  isotopes      <- CSLSdata::isotopes[[lake]]
  isotopes$date <- floor_date(isotopes$date, unit = "day")
  lake_levels   <- CSLSdata::lake_levels[[lake]]
  gw_levels     <- CSLSdata::gw_levels[[lake]]

  for (i in 1:nrow(gw_levels)) {
    today <- gw_levels$date[i]
    gw    <- gw_levels$level_m[i]
    lk    <- lake_levels$level_m[lake_levels$date == today]
    if (length(lk) > 0) {
      gw_levels$diff_m[i] <- gw - lk
    } else {
      gw_levels$diff_m[i] <- NA

  df <- merge(gw_levels,
              by = c("date", "site_id"), 
              all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
  df <- df %>%
        filter(!site_id %in% c("PLEAS", "LONG", "PLAIN", "PRECIP")) %>%
        select(date, site_id, diff_m, d18O)



This document is a deeper dive into the stable isotope measurements as they relate to one another and to the relative lake and groundwater levels.

Interpreting Plots

When looking at the Water Level Difference plots, keep in mind that when the well plots above the dashed line, it is upgradient of the lake. When it plots below the dashed line, it is downgradient of the lake. Water level measurements are shown at a daily timestep.

To determine if a well is upgradient or downgradient for a given measurement record, we look at the previous month of daily water level differences. If the median of these daily differences is less than 1cm (i.e, less than the precision of HOBO U20 loggers), the isotope measurement is not used. Otherwise, if the mean of the daily differences is greater than 0, it is considered an upgradient well.

When looking at the Local Meteoric Water Line plots, keep in mind that measurements closest to the meteoric water line are most likely inflowing groundwater wells while measurements drifting off to the right are likely outflowing groundwater wells (or the lake itself), which are influenced by evaporation.

# include_graphics(system.file("images", 
#                              "water_level_diff.png", 
#                              package = "CSLSiso", 
#                              mustWork = TRUE))
p1 <- ggdraw() + draw_image("../inst/images/water_level_diff.png", scale = 0.92)
p2 <- ggdraw() + draw_image("../inst/images/isotope_signatures.png")
plot_grid(p1, p2, ncol = 2)


Here we're showing all stable isotope samples for each lake broken out by site type (precipitation, upgradient wells, downgradient wells, deep wells, and lake).

plot_LMWL_all(text_size = text_size)

Pleasant Lake

General Behavior

It looks like most wells at Pleasant Lake have had a consistent relationship with the lake over time. After analyzing the graphs below, we classify each well as follows:

lake <- "Pleasant"

Specific Wells Used Each Month

For the water budget calculations, we determine "upgradient" and "downgradient" wells based on relative lake and well levels in the 30 days prior to the measurement. For each month with samples, here's how we classify them:

well_types <- get_well_types(lake)

Detailed Results By Well

Here's a breakdown of a) when isotope samples were collected for each well in context with relative lake and groundwater levels, and b) how samples for each well compare to the Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL). Recall, we expect isotope samples from upgradient wells to lie along the LMWL and samples from downgradient wells to deviate from the LMWL, along the LEWL.

gw_gradient_d18O <- get_gw_gradient_d18O(lake)
               text_size = text_size,
               title = sprintf("%s Lake - Water Level Comparison", lake))
plot_LMWL_sites(lake, text_size = text_size)

Long Lake

General Behavior

It looks like there are a few wells that are consistently upgradient of Long Lake, but classifications are more dynamic here. After analyzing the graphs below, we classify each well as follows:

lake <- "Long"

Specific Wells Used Each Month

For the water budget calculations, we determine "upgradient" and "downgradient" wells based on relative lake and well levels in the 30 days prior to the measurement. For each month with samples, here's how we classify them:

well_types <- get_well_types(lake)

Detailed Results By Well

Here's a breakdown of a) when isotope samples were collected for each well in context with relative lake and groundwater levels, and b) how samples for each well compare to the Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL). Recall, we expect isotope samples from upgradient wells to lie along the LMWL and samples from downgradient wells to deviate from the LMWL, along the LEWL.

gw_gradient_d18O <- get_gw_gradient_d18O(lake)
               text_size = text_size,
               title = sprintf("%s Lake - Water Level Comparison", lake))
plot_LMWL_sites(lake, text_size = text_size)

Plainfield Lake

General Behavior

As at Long Lake a few wells are consistently upgradient at Plainfield Lake, but classifications are pretty dynamic. After analyzing the graphs below, we classify each well as follows:

lake <- "Plainfield"

Specific Wells Used Each Month

For the water budget calculations, we determine "upgradient" and "downgradient" wells based on relative lake and well levels in the 30 days prior to the measurement. For each month with samples, here's how we classify them:

well_types <- get_well_types(lake)

Detailed Results By Well

Here's a breakdown of a) when isotope samples were collected for each well in context with relative lake and groundwater levels, and b) how samples for each well compare to the Local Meteoric Water Line (LMWL). Recall, we expect isotope samples from upgradient wells to lie along the LMWL and samples from downgradient wells to deviate from the LMWL, along the LEWL.

gw_gradient_d18O <- get_gw_gradient_d18O(lake)
               text_size = text_size,
               title = sprintf("%s Lake - Water Level Comparison", lake))
plot_LMWL_sites(lake, text_size = text_size)

Session Info

The version of R and the versions of packages in use when this R Markdown file was created are listed here:


cvoter/isoH2Obudget documentation built on March 29, 2020, 11:07 a.m.