brain_atlases: Coordinates for data from brain atlases

Brain AtlasesR Documentation

Coordinates for data from brain atlases


Datasets containing spatial coordinates for: the original AAL atlases, the newer AAL2 atlases, Freesurfer atlases, Brainsuite, Craddock200, Dosenbach160, Harvard-Oxford, and LONI probabilistic brain atlas. In addition to coordinates, there are indices for the major lobes and hemispheres of the brain, the class variable (for Destrieux atlases), functional networks (for Dosenbach, Power, and Gordon atlases; plus the Yeo network labels for the Brainnetome atlas).






















A data frame with 90 or 116 (for the original AAL atlases), 94 or 120 (for the newer AAL2 atlases), 148 or 162 (for Destrieux), 68 or 82 (for DK), 62 or 76 (for DKT), 74 (Brainsuite), 200 (Craddock), 160 (Dosenbach), 112 (Harvard-Oxford), 40 (LONI), 246 (Brainnetome), 360 (HCP), 264 (Power), or 333 (Gordon) observations on (some of) the following 19 variables:


a character vector of region names


a numeric vector of x-coordinates (in MNI space)


a numeric vector of y-coordinates (in MNI space)


a numeric vector of z-coordinates (in MNI space)


a factor with some of levels Frontal Parietal Temporal Occipital Insula Limbic Cingulate SCGM Cerebellum (for aal116 and aal2.120) and Brainstem (for craddock200)


a factor with levels L R and B (for dosenbach160)


a numeric vector


a character vector of full region names, for the DK and DKT atlases


a factor with levels G G_and_S S, for the Destrieux atlases


(dosenbach160) a factor with levels default fronto-parietal cingulo-opercular sensorimotor cerebellum occipital


(brainnetome) Abbreviated names of gyri/regions (including subcortical), with 24 unique values


(brainnetome) Full names of gyrus


(brainnetome) Abbreviated names of subregions (including subdivisions of subcortical gray matter)


(brainnetome) Full names of subregion


(brainnetome) Factor with 8 levels consisting of SCGM plus the 7 networks from Yeo et al.


(brainnetome) Factor with 18 levels consisting of SCGM plus the 17 networks from Yeo et al.


(HCP) a factor with 23 cortical areas


(power264) Full region/gyrus names for the Power atlas; contains 53 unique regions


(power264) Integer values for Brodmann areas


Use of the HCP parcellation is subject to the terms at In particular: "I will acknowledge the use of WU-Minn HCP data and data derived from WU-Minn HCP data when publicly presenting any results or algorithms that benefitted from their use."

Region names in the gordon333 atlas were chosen to match those of the hcp_mmp1.0 atlas. Many were determined from the coordinates (using FSL's atlasquery), while the rest were entered manually by me. The lobe values were matched to the HCP atlas, as well.



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cwatson/brainGraph documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 6:33 p.m.