
Defines functions classify

Documented in classify

#Purpose: Classify Medullo Samples
#Authors: Pichai Raman, Sherjeel Arif
#Date: 8/5/2019

#' @title Classify
#' @name classify
#' @author Pichai Raman
#' @author Komal S. Rathi
#' @author Sherjeel Arif
#' @description  Function to Classify samples into Medulloblastoma subtypes using
#' transcriptomic data.
#' @details Classifier for predicting amongst the 4 molecular subtypes of
#' Medulloblastoma, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), WNT, Group 3, and Group 4 from
#' RNA-Seq or microarray data.
#' The input is an expression matrix. The following types of data
#' are allowed as inputs: (1) FPKM (2) TPM (3) quantile normalized data (4) microarray data.
#' The expected output of this function is a dataframe containing three columns: sample name, best.fit which is a character vector
#' containing the predicted Medulloblastoma subtypes (i.e. 'WNT', 'SHH', 'Group3', 'Group4') and
#' p.value which has the p-values associated with the predictions.
#' @param exprs matrix containing gene expression values.
#' The row names contain HUGO/HGNC gene symbols and the column names contain the sample identifiers.
#' @param medulloGeneSetsUp list of 4 containing the gene signature associated with
#' each of the 4 molecular subtypes of Medulloblastoma.
#' @examples
#' # Load example data containing expression matrix
#' data(exprs_109401)
#' # use classification function on expression matrix
#' prediction <- medulloPackage::classify(exprs_109401)
#' # View classifier output
#' head(prediction)
#' @export

classify <- function(exprs = NULL, medulloGeneSetsUp = NULL) {

  # if no value is supplied, use default data
  if(is.null(medulloGeneSetsUp)) {
    medulloGeneSetsUp <- get(utils::data("medulloSetsUp"))

  # calculate gene ratio matrix
  geneRatioOut <- signatureGenes(exprs)

  medulloGeneSetsUp$WNT <- intersect(medulloGeneSetsUp$WNT, rownames(geneRatioOut))
  medulloGeneSetsUp$SHH <- intersect(medulloGeneSetsUp$SHH, rownames(geneRatioOut))
  medulloGeneSetsUp$Group3 <- intersect(medulloGeneSetsUp$Group3, rownames(geneRatioOut))
  medulloGeneSetsUp$Group4 <- intersect(medulloGeneSetsUp$Group4, rownames(geneRatioOut))

  myMat <- calcScore(myMat = geneRatioOut, mySetsUp = medulloGeneSetsUp)
  pred <- myMat$pred
  pval <- myMat$pval
  sample.order <- rownames(pred)

  # pvalues subset by predictions
  pred$best.fit <- colnames(pred)[max.col(pred, ties.method = "first")]
  pred$sample <- rownames(pred)
  pred <- merge(pred, pval, by.x = c('sample','best.fit'), by.y = c('sample','one'))
  pred.df <- pred[,c('sample','best.fit','p.value')]
  rownames(pred.df) <- pred.df$sample
  pred.df <- pred.df[sample.order,] # keeping the correct order

d3b-center/medullo-classifier-package documentation built on June 28, 2023, 8:16 p.m.