Man pages for daissi/MORFEE
Mutation on Open Reading FramE annotation

combine.vcf.slotcombine different slots of VCF object
download.annovar.dbdownload ANNOVAR DB for annotation...
get.morfee.dataget data used by MORFEE
is.annovar.installedcheck if ANNOVAR is installed otherwise open the website of...
morfee.annotationvcf annotation with MORFEE
parse_GeneDetail.refGeneparse refGene
parse_mutationparse mutation
vcf_2_odswrite a VCF object as an .ods OpenDocument file
vcf_2_xlsxwrite a VCF object as an .xlsx Office Open XML file
vcf.annovar.annotationvcf annotation with ANNOVAR
daissi/MORFEE documentation built on Jan. 9, 2021, 10:52 a.m.