# Load the packages
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
options(stat305templates.render_clicker_questions = function () {
  lecture_date <- '2020-03-17'
  lecture_ends <- '11:45:50 PDT'
  Sys.time() > as.POSIXct(sprintf('%s %s', lecture_date, lecture_ends))
© Copyright William J. Welch 2013–`r format(format = '%Y', Sys.Date())` All rights reserved.
Not to be copied, used, or revised without explicit written permission from the copyright owner.

Worksheet Part 1

This is a regular worksheet part.

clicker_question("This is the associated clicker question",
                 answer("Answer option A"),
                 answer("Answer option B"),
                 answer("Answer option C"),
                 answer("Answer option D"),
                 answer("Answer option E"),
                 body = "Clicker questions can have optional text between the question title and the answer options.
                         The entire question is only shown if the `stat305templates.render_clicker_questions` option
                         is set to `TRUE`.")

Curiosity Clicker Question

clicker_question("This question is not marked and will not be shown when printing.",
                 answer("Answer option A"),
                 answer("Answer option B"),
                 answer("Answer option C"),
                 answer("Answer option D"),
                 answer("Answer option E"),
                 in_class_only = TRUE)

dakep/stat305templates documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 8:23 a.m.