# Interval Tests
# Error tests
test_that("Stop for unexpected method argument",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "intervalll",
H0 = c(0, .5)),
"method must be either 'point' or 'interval'")
test_that("Missing a0 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a0 = NA,
a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, .5)),
"Both a0 and b0 must be positive and finite.")
test_that("Missing b0 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(b0 = NA,
a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, .5)),
"Both a0 and b0 must be positive and finite.")
test_that("a < a0 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a0 = 77,
a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, .5)),
"Both a_post and b_post cannot be less than the respective a0 and b0 values")
test_that("b < b0 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(b0 = 55,
a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, .5)),
"Both a_post and b_post cannot be less than the respective a0 and b0 values")
test_that("Point H0 > 1 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "point",
H0 = 2),
"H0 must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1")
test_that("Error for point method when H0 is interval",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "point",
H0 = c(0, 0.5)),
"'H0' must be a single numeric value when method = 'point'")
test_that("Interval H0 > 1 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, 2)),
"H0 interval limits must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1")
test_that("Interval length > 2 produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, 0.5, 1))
test_that("Lower H0 limit > upper limit produces stop error",{
expect_error(dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(1, 0)),
"When method = 'interval', H0 upper limit must be greater than H0 lower limit")
# Function tests
# Interval method
ABF<-dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 17,
b_post = 5,
method = "interval",
H0 = c(0, .5))
test_that("[Interval] Prior p(H1) is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(ABF$pH1 - 0.5), 3e-05)
test_that("[Interval] Posterior p(H1) is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(ABF$postH1 - 0.9964013), 3e-05)
test_that("[Interval] Bayes Factor 1/0 is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(ABF$BF10 - 276.8789), 2.4)
test_that("[Interval] Bayes Factor 0/1 is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(ABF$BF01 - 0.003611687), 4e-05)
# Point Tests
BBF<-dfba_beta_bayes_factor(a_post = 377,
b_post = 123,
method = "point",
H0 = .75)
test_that("[Point] Prior density p(H0) is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(BBF$dpriorH0-1), 3e-05)
test_that("[Point] Posterior density p(H0) is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(BBF$dpostH0-20.04153), 3e-05)
test_that("[Point] Bayes Factor 1/0 is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(BBF$BF10-0.04989638), 3e-05)
test_that("[Point] Bayes Factor 0/1 is correct",{
expect_lte(abs(BBF$BF01-20.04153), 5e-04)
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