
debug <- !TRUE
##span0 <- 8*geodDist(-180,-90,0,0)
##z <- 1
if (!interactive()) pdf("02.pdf")
par(mfrow=c(1, 1))
##> data(coastlineWorldFine, package="ocedata")
##> cl <- coastlineWorldFine
##test data(coastlineWorldFine,package="ocedata")
##test system.time(mapPlot(coastlineWorldFine))

cl <- coastlineWorld
lon <- cl[["longitude"]]
lat <- cl[["latitude"]]
eps <- 1e-3
E <- -35
W <- -70
N <- 52
S <- 35

##.n <- length(lon)

na <- which(
nseg <- length(na)

##examine <- 118
cllon <- cl[["longitude"]]
cllat <- cl[["latitude"]]
par(mar=c(2, 2, 1, 1))
while (TRUE) {
    lonTrimmed <- latTrimmed <- NULL
    plot(cl)# , clon=E, clat=N, span=span0/z, type="l", pch=20)
    ##abline(v=E, col=4)
    ##abline(h=N, col=4)
    mtext(sprintf("W=%.1f E=%.1f S=%.1f N=%.1f (click SW then NE to revise); close window to exit",
                  W, E, S, N), side=3, col=2, font=2, cex=0.8)
    ##. cat("--reset--\n")
    for (iseg in 2:nseg) {
        look <-[iseg-1]+1, na[iseg]-1)
        lon <- cllon[look]
        if (any( stop("double lon NA at seg=", iseg) # checks ok on coastlineWorld
        lat <- cllat[look]
        if (any( stop("double lat NA at seg=", iseg) # checks ok on coastlineWorld
        n <- length(lon)
        ##C LAT <- rep(NA_real_, n)
        ##C LON <- rep(NA_real_, n)
        LON <- LAT <- NULL # so we can accumlate and not need to trim NA later
        j <- 1L
        for (i in, n)) {
            if (lon[i] < E) {
                if (i>1L && lon[i-1L] >=E) {
                    ## Interpolate crossing point
                    if (debug) cat("seg=", iseg, ": case 1: last outside (i=", i, " j=", j, ")\n")
                    latfake <- if (lon[i] == lon[i-1L])
                        0.5*(lat[i-1L] + lat[i])
                        lat[i-1L] + (lat[i] - lat[i-1L])/(lon[i]-lon[i-1L])*(E-lon[i-1L])
                    LAT[j] <- latfake
                    LON[j] <- E
                    ##. if (debug > 0) {
                    ##.     points(E, latfake, col="red", pch="+")
                    ##.     points(lon[i-1], lat[i-1], col="blue", pch="+", cex=.9)
                    ##.     points(lon[i], lat[i], col="darkgreen", pch="+", cex=.9)
                    ##. }
                    j <- j + 1L
                LAT[j] <- lat[i]
                LON[j] <- lon[i]
                j <- j + 1L
            } else if (lon[i] >= E) {
                if (i > 1L && lon[i-1L] < E) {
                    if (debug) cat("seg=", iseg, ": case 2: last was outside (i=", i, " j=", j, ")\n")
                    latfake <- if (lon[i] == lon[i-1L])
                        0.5*(lat[i-1L] + lat[i]) # not sure this will happen
                        lat[i-1L] + (lat[i] - lat[i-1L])/(lon[i]-lon[i-1L])*(E-lon[i-1L])
                    LAT[j] <- latfake
                    LON[j] <- E
                    ##. if (debug > 0) {
                    ##.     points(LON[j], LAT[j], col="blue", pch=2)
                    ##. }
                    j <- j + 1L
        if (debug) polygon(LON, LAT, col=rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.2))
        lonTrimmed <- c(lonTrimmed, NA, LON)
        latTrimmed <- c(latTrimmed, NA, LAT)
        ## if (debug && iseg == examine) {
        ##     plot(lon,lat,asp=1/cos(pi*mean(lat)/180), type="o",pch=20,cex=1/2)
        ##     polygon(lon, lat, col=rgb(0,1,0,alpha=0.1))
        ##     polygon(LON, LAT, col=rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.2))
        ##     points(lon, lat, pch=20, col=2) # data
        ##     points(lon[1], lat[1], pch=1, col=2) # data
        ##     points(LON, LAT, pch=20, col=3, cex=1/2) # why an extra point?
        ##     browser()
        ## }
    ##> polygon(lon, lat, col="lightgray")
    polygon(lonTrimmed, latTrimmed, col="pink")
    lines(c(W, W, E, E, W), c(S, N, N, S, S), col="red")
    ##> polygon(LON, LAT, col=rgb(1,0,0,alpha=0.2))
    if (!interactive())
    ##. yusr <- par("usr")[3:4]
    ##. high <- yusr[1] + 0.95*(yusr[2] - yusr[1])
    ##cat("high=", high, "\n")
    #abline(h=high, lwd=3)
    SW <- locator(1)
    NE <- locator(1)
    #if (xy$y > high) {
    #    break
    E <- NE$x
    W <- SW$x
    N <- NE$y
    S <- SW$y
    ##span <- span / 1.1
    ##if (debug) {
    ##    m <- menu(c("world view", "focus", "+ zoom in", "- zoom out", "quit"), "action")
    ##    if (m == 1) {z <- 1; E <- 0; N <- 0}
    ##    else if (m == 2) z <- 1
    ##    else if (m == 3) z <- z * 1.1
    ##    else if (m == 4) z <- z / 1.1
    ##    else if (m == 5) break
##LAT <- LAT[1:j]
##LON <- LON[1:j]

if (!interactive())
dankelley/oce documentation built on April 18, 2024, 9:51 a.m.