Man pages for danlwarren/ENMTools
Analysis of Niche Evolution using Niche and Distribution Models

add.envTakes an enmtools.species object and a set of environment...
assert.extrasAssert that the extra packages needed for an ENMTools...
background.bufferTakes a set of points, a buffer radius, a buffer type, and a...
background.points.bufferTakes a set of points, a buffer radius, a sample size, and a...
background.raster.bufferTakes a set of points, a buffer radius, and a mask and...
background.shape.bufferTakes a set of points and a buffer radius, and returns a...
background.testbackground.test Conduct a background test (also called a...
calc.B1calc.B1, Calculates standardized version of Levins (1968) B1...
calc.B2calc.B2, Calculates standardized version of Levins (1968) B2...
check.bgTakes an emtools.species object and adds background points if...
check.cladeChecking for complians of an enmtools.clade object
check.envAutomating some basic tasks for using a raster stack for...
check.extrasCheck that the extra packages needed for an ENMTools function...
check.speciesChecking compliance for an object of class enmtools.species.
clamp.envTakes an emtools.model object and a set of environment layers...
combine.speciesTakes a list of enmtools.species objects and combines them...
drop.speciesTakes a an ENMTools clade object and a vector of species...
enmtools.aocTakes an overlap matrix and a tree and runs permutation tests...
enmtools.bcTakes an emtools.species object with presence and background...
enmtools.calibrateTakes an emtools.model object, and reformats it to run...
enmtools.cladeDefining a class for enmtools.clade. Each clade gets:
enmtools.dmTakes an emtools.species object with presence and background..., Runs an ecospat background/similarity..., Runs an ecospat identity test using...
enmtools.gamTakes an emtools.species object with presence and background...
enmtools.glmTakes an enmtools.species object with presence and background...
enmtools.hypervolumeTHIS FUNCTION IS CURRENTLY DISABLED. Takes an...
enmtools.maxentTakes an emtools.species object with presence and background...
enmtools.rfTakes an emtools.species object with presence and background...
enmtools.rf.rangerTakes an emtools.species object with presence and background...
enmtools.speciesDefining a class for enmtools.species.
enmtools.vipTakes an enmtools.model object, and performs variable...
env.breadthCalculates breadth of a model in environment space using...
env.evaluateCalculates evaluation metrics (AUC, etc.) using latin...
env.overlapCalculates overlap between models in environment space using...
euro.worldclimWorldclim data for Europe
find.extrasFind the extra packages needed for an ENMTools function
find.extras.missingFind the extra packages needed for an ENMTools function that...
geog.range.overlapTakes two emtools.species objects with range rasters,...
hypervolume.overlapTakes an emtools.species object and environmental layers, and...
iberolacerta.cladeGBIF data for a clade of Iberolacerta lizards from spain
identity.testidentity.test Conduct a niche identity/equivalency test as...
interactive.plotGeneric function for making interactive plots of ENMTools...
interactive.plot.enmtools.modelPlot an enmtools.model object on an interactive map
interactive.plot.enmtools.speciesPlot an enmtools.species object on an interactive map
marginal.plotsmarginal.plots Plots the marginal response of a model to an...
moses.listTakes a list of enmtools.species objects and uses model...
multistack.pcamultistack.pca, simultaneous PCA on more than one stack of...
node.overlapTakes an overlap matrix and a tree and returns average...
point.overlapTakes two emtools.species objects with range rasters,...
rangebreak.blobrangebreak.blob Conduct a blob rangebreak test as described...
rangebreak.linearrangebreak.linear Conduct a linear rangebreak test as...
rangebreak.ribbonrangebreak.ribbon Conduct a ribbon rangebreak test as...
raster.breadthraster.breadth, applies measures of niche breadth to an ENM
raster.corCalculates the correlation coefficient between two rasters.
raster.cor.matrixTakes a raster stack and returns a data frame containing...
raster.cor.plotTakes a raster stack and returns a data frame containing...
raster.overlapraster.overlap, measures overlap between two ENMs
raster.pcaraster.pca, PCA on a set of environmental rasters
raster.residraster.resid Measure standardized residuals from a linear...
raster.standardizeraster.standardize, standardizes all values in a raster file
rasterToPoints2get terra to produce same output as raster::rasterToPoints
sim.pointsSimulate a point process from an enmtools.model object
species.from.fileTakes a csv file and uses it to construct one or more...
threespace.plotthreespace.plot, A plot that compares the environmental... a set of points and a raster mask and returns a data...
visualize.enmvisualize.enm, Makes a heatmap of suitability of habitat in...
visualize.overlapvisualize.overlap, Makes a contour map of suitability of...
danlwarren/ENMTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 11:26 p.m.