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Developer Guide

Learn how tidyspark works!

Table of Contents


tidyspark is an interface to Spark built on the tidyverse and rlang. The goals are:

  1. Match the existing tidyverse APIs exactly
  2. Consider exceptions if they:
  3. lead to a significant performance increase
  4. are not possible in Spark
  5. Avoid namespace conflicts with tidyverse packages
  6. Leverage Spark directly, functions should be thin wrappers to Spark functions.

spark perspective

All of the functions in tidyspark boil down to calls to java functions. These three basic functions are used:

The spark_tbl class

tidyspark is based on Sparks DataFrame API, so the spark_tbl is paramount. The internal code is very simple, let's go through it:

new_spark_tbl <- function(sdf, ...) {
  if (class(sdf) != "jobj") {
    stop("Incoming object of class ", class(sdf),
         "must be of class 'jobj'")
  spk_tbl <- structure(get_jc_cols(sdf),
                       class = c("spark_tbl", "list"),
                       jc = sdf)
  tibble:::update_tibble_attrs(spk_tbl, ...)

Also good to have:

get_jc_cols <- function(jc) {
  names <- call_method(jc, "columns")
  .l <- lapply(names, function(x) {
    jc <- call_method(jc, "col", x)
    new("Column", jc)
  setNames(.l, names)

So we bring in a jobj of the SparkDataFrame, then we use get_jc_cols() to extract each of the Column objects. We set those as a list which will comprise the meat of the S3 class. Important note, these are never actaully used in further functions, they are just there for show and for auto-completion. The real SparkDataFrame is stored in the slot jc. This is accessed in tidyspark functions with the command attr(df, "jc"). tibble:::update_tibble_attrs is just for grouping and maybe other things later on.

The Column class

At this time tidyspark relies heavily on SparkRs column objects. These are originally implemented here:


and then augmented here in tidyspark:


These work very differently than typical vectors. You cannot view or collect them, think of them as expressions that are sent to Spark for DAG creation. So for instance:

> jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "col", "kipper")
> kipper_col <- new("Column", jobj)
> kipper_col
Column kipper 

So what is kipper? It's just an expression that is supposed to indicate a data frame column. By itself it really isn't anything but a name. The interesting thing about these Column objects is that they can hold pending operations:

> kipper_col + 1
Column (kipper + 1.0) 

In this case it is holding the expression of adding 1.0 to the value of column kipper. In addition to addition it can also do arbitrarily complex transformations:

> # create another play column
> jobj <- call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "col", "snacks")
> snack_col <- new("Column", jobj)
> any(max(kipper_col + 1L) / 56 == 7L) + snack_col
Column ((max(((max((kipper + 1)) / 56.0) = 7)) = true) + snacks) 

rlang perspective

Non-standard evaluation

rlang allows us to do quite a bit of hacking to get whatever we need done. The most unique thing about R in relation to other programming languages is the use of the non-standard evaluation (NSE). Non-standard evaluation allows the user to write:


instead of:


Why is this preferable? I have no f**king clue, but once you get away from having to put " all over your code it's pretty jarring to have to go back. Of course there are some big issues with writing programmatically with NSE that the experts Hadley, Lionel, et. al. at RStudio have come up with solutions for. tidyspark only works because we stand on the shoulders of the tidyverse. All of the magic to get these things running is done upstream of any tidyspark function.

The data mask

In order to understand how NSE works at it's core, you must understand the concept of the data_mask. If you are blessed with time, the best resource is Hadley's chapter on the subject here: https://adv-r.hadley.nz/evaluation.html#data-masks

If not, consider the following example:

a <- 2 
b <- 10
eval(expr(a + b), envir = list(b = 5))

If you run this in R you get the result 7. Why not 12? expr(a + b) is simply an expression so the variables input are not evaluated until this is processed by the eval function. The eval needs to evaluate the expression a + b so it looks first to the specified envir (the data mask). This is usually an object of class environment (map in spark), but it interestingly also takes list objects. So first it looks at the list and gets a value for b, then it hops to the parent.frame of envir to find the value for a. Since it already has a value for b it never uses b <- 10.

So steps: 1. eval sees that it needs values for a and b 2. eval scans the given envir (which is called a "data mask" because it masks the parent environment) 3. eval finds a value for b in the data mask. 4. eval does not find a value for a so it looks to the parent environment. 5. eval finds a value for a. 6. eval evaluates the expression a + b to find the result of 7

The gotcha

So in the above example we were able to create a data mask out of a list instead of an environment object. But guess what?data.frames are also lists. A data.frame is just a special case of a list where all of the elements have an equal length. So what does that enable?

some_constant <- 3.14159
some_df <- data.frame(a = 1:10, 
                      b = letters[1:10])
eval(expr(some_constant * a), some_df)

This results in: [1] 3.14159 6.28318 9.42477 12.56636 15.70795 18.84954 21.99113 25.13272 28.27431 31.41590

So if you look at this for a second you can start to see how verbs like mutate were formed. You can specify the column names without the data frame they are attached to as long as the data frame is used as a data_mask.

Hadley's transform example

In order to see this in action, let's use Hadley's example (from link above). In this example instead of using expr we use quosures and instead of used eval we use eval_tidy which is a variant that leverages 'rlang'sdata_mask` type.

In the example below we see a simple rendition (error handling aside) of how transform works. Note, transform and mutate do pretty much the same thing. We capture the unevaluated ... with enquos(...), and then evaluate each expression using a for loop.

transform2 <- function(.data, ...) {
  dots <- enquos(...)

  for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
    name <- names(dots)[[i]]
    dot <- dots[[i]]

    .data[[name]] <- eval_tidy(dot, .data)


transform2(df, x2 = x * 2, y = -y)
#>   x       y x2
#> 1 2 -0.0808  4
#> 2 3 -0.8343  6
#> 3 1 -0.6008  2

If you understand how this works, you should be well on your way to understanding how the dplyr verbs in tidyspark work.

Wrapping it all together

Let's see how tidyspark's mutate works. Here is a simplified example with lots of comments:

# We define this as an S3 method for class spark_tbl, so dplyr calls this class
mutate.spark_tbl <- function(.data, ...) {

  # we bring in the arguments and convert them to a list of quosures, which
  # are basically fancy expression objects, but they have an env attached.
  dots <- rlang:::enquos(...)

  # we grab the DataFrame's pointer object from the data frame
  sdf <- attr(.data, "jc")

  # we define a for loop that will go through all of the arguments submitted in ...
  for (i in seq_along(dots)) {

    # get the name of the new column
    name <- names(dots)[[i]]

    # get the expression for the new col
    dot <- dots[[i]]

    # get a list of column objects in the DataFrame
    df_cols <- get_jc_cols(sdf)

    # given an expression and the list of columns as a data mask, eval the expression
    eval <- rlang:::eval_tidy(dot, df_cols)

    [omitted code dealing with grouped or windowed data]

    # get the jobj of the resulting Column using the jc slot
    jcol <- if (class(eval) == "Column") eval@jc
    # if the result is not a Column then we make it one with "lit"
    else call_static("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "lit", eval)

    # we then pipe the results into 'withColumn' which is Spark's mutate.
    # then we update the sdf so that it has the new column for the next 
    # iteration in the for loop
    sdf <- call_method(sdf, "withColumn", name, jcol)

  # after completing all the loops, sdf has everything we need, so we
  # create a spark_tbl to house the new data frame and make it usable 
  # to the end user.
  new_spark_tbl(sdf, groups = attr(.data, "groups"))

S3 and S4 classes

While SparkR was built using mostly S4 classes, dplyr was built on S3 classes. tidyspark uses a blend of these. The benefit of S3 is that it is very easy to code, monitor, and debug, the primary benefit of S4 is that you can match multiple arguments easily to a given method instead of just relying on the first.

For instance, let's look at some of the Column class methods which are primarily implemented in S4:

setMethod("+", signature(e1 = "Column", e2 = "numeric"),
          function (e1, e2) {
            new("Column", call_method(e1@jc, "plus", e2))

setMethod("+", signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "Column"),
          function (e1, e2) {
            new("Column", call_method(e2@jc, "plus", e1))

The S4 class takes a signature for each method, that signature is the combination of types it expects to see coming into it's methods. As you can see below, this can be an arbritary number of arguments while in S3 this can only easily be the first one. In the above case, we wanted to make sure that we could add with the numeric on either side of the Column object. By the way, in SparkR you actually can't do this:

> library(SparkR)
> sparkR.session()
> iris_sdf <- createDataFrame(iris)
> iris_sdf$Sepal_Length + 1
Column (Sepal_Length + 1.0) 
> 1 + iris_sdf$Sepal_Length
Error in 1 + iris_sdf$Sepal_Length : 
  non-numeric argument to binary operator

Getting back to the point, I don't know how you would achieve this in an elegant way using S3 classes. There is already an addition method for class numeric, so that would not be pretty. Actually, the way that S4 handles this is very similar to the way that Spark handles pattern matching for methods, so it's a logical choice for many use cases.

Working with S4

Despite it's usefulness, S4 can be very opaque to deal with. Here are some tips on finding the source code for functions you may be interested in. When developing tidyspark I typically do not load SparkR. I really want to make sure that it's very clear when I'm depending on SparkR and it can be easy to overlook these dependancies with SparkR loaded. I'll walk you through my typical process for finding SparkR code.

Let's say we are trying to find out how SparkR does count: 1. First let's confirm that it is S4:

    > SparkR:::count
    nonstandardGenericFunction for "count" defined from package "SparkR"

    function (x) 
    <bytecode: 0x7fc751c38d28>
    <environment: 0x7fc751b13b30>
    Methods may be defined for arguments: x
    Use  showMethods("count")  for currently available ones.
  1. Now let's check out the methods:
    > showMethods(SparkR::count)
    Function: count (package SparkR)
    1. There are 3 methods for three single class types (should have used S3 amirite?). Let's check out the Column method:

      getMethod(SparkR::count, c("Column")) Method Definition:

      function (x) { jc <- callJStatic("org.apache.spark.sql.functions", "count", x@jc) column(jc) }

      Signatures: x
      target "Column" defined "Column" 4. If you are using RStudio and want to jump into this function you can use debugonce like so:

      debugonce(getMethod(SparkR::count, c("Column")))

Hopefully that helps shed some light on these bad boy S4 classes. If you made it this far, give yourself a pat on the back from Dan. He is very happy. Happy coding!

danzafar/tidyspark documentation built on Sept. 30, 2020, 12:19 p.m.