
Defines functions create_canvas_module_item create_canvas_module create_course_assignment create_course_folder upload_file upload_assignment_file upload_course_file

Documented in create_canvas_module create_canvas_module_item create_course_assignment create_course_folder upload_course_file

#' Upload a file to a course
#' @param course_id valid course id
#' @param file_name file name in your current directory.
#' Any UTF-8 name is allowed. Path components such as `/` and `\` will be treated as part of the filename,
#' not a path to a sub-folder.
#' @param parent_folder_id The id of the folder to store the file in.
#' If this and parent_folder_path are sent an error will be returned. If neither is given,
#' a default folder will be used.
#' @param parent_folder_path The path of the folder to store the file in. The path separator is the forward slash `/`, never a back slash.
#' The folder will be created if it does not already exist. This parameter only applies to file uploads
#' in a context that has folders, such as a user, a course, or a group. If this and parent_folder_id are
#' sent an error will be returned. If neither is given, a default folder will be used.
#' @param on_duplicate How to handle duplicate filenames. If "overwrite", then this file upload will
#' overwrite any other file in the folder with the same name. If "rename", then this file will be
#' renamed if another file in the folder exists with the given name. If no parameter is given,
#' This doesn't apply to file uploads in a context that doesn't have folders.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
#' @examples
#' upload_course_file(course_id = 13212, file_name = "activity.pdf")
upload_course_file <- function(course_id, file_name, parent_folder_id = NULL, parent_folder_path = "/", on_duplicate = "overwrite") {

  url <- make_canvas_url("courses", course_id, "files")
  upload_file(url, file_name, parent_folder_id, parent_folder_path, on_duplicate)


#' @export
upload_assignment_file <- function(course_id, assignment_id, user_id,
                                   parent_folder_id = NULL,
                                   parent_folder_path = "/",
                                   on_duplicate = "overwrite") {

  url <- make_canvas_url("courses", course_id, "assignments", assignment_id,
                         "submissions", user_id, "files")
  upload_file(url, file_name, parent_folder_id, parent_folder_path, on_duplicate)


upload_file <- function(url, file_name, parent_folder_id = NULL, parent_folder_path = "/", on_duplicate = "overwrite") {
  if (!is.null(parent_folder_id) && !is.null(parent_folder_path)) stop("Do not specify both parent folder id and parent folder path.")
  file_size <- file.info(file_name)$size
  args <- sc(list(name = file_name,
                  size = file_size,
                  parent_folder_id = parent_folder_id,
                  parent_folder_path = parent_folder_path,
                  on_duplicate = on_duplicate))
  upload_resp <- canvas_query(url, args, "POST")
  upload_content <- httr::content(upload_resp)
  upload_url <- upload_content$upload_url
  upload_params <- upload_content$upload_params
  upload_params <- append(upload_params,
                          list(file = httr::upload_file(file_name)))
  message(sprintf("File %s uploaded", file_name))
  invisible(httr::POST(url = upload_url,
                       body = upload_params))

#' Create a course folder
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param name name of the folder (required)
#' @param parent_folder_id The id of the folder to store the file in. If this and parent_folder_path
#' are sent an error will be returned. If neither is given, a default folder will be used.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create_course_folder(34232, name = "activities")
create_course_folder <- function(course_id, name, parent_folder_id = NULL) {
  url <- make_canvas_url("courses", course_id, "folders")
  args <- sc(list(name = name,
                  parent_folder_id = parent_folder_id))
  invisible(canvas_query(url, args, "POST"))
  message(sprintf("Folder %s created", name))

#' Create a course assignment
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param name the assignment name (only parameter required)
#' @param position integer - The position of this assignment in the group when displaying assignment lists.
#' @param submission_types string - List of supported submission types for the assignment. Unless the assignment is allowing online submissions, the array should only have one element. Options: online_quiz, none, on_paper, discussion_topic, external_tool, online_upload, online_text_entry, online_url, media_recording
#' @param allowed_extensions Allowed extensions if submission_types includes “online_upload”. E.g. "docx", "png".
#' @param turnitin_enabled boolean - Only applies when the Turnitin plugin is enabled for a course and the submission_types array includes “online_upload”. Toggles Turnitin submissions for the assignment. Will be ignored if Turnitin is not available for the course.
#' @param vericite_enabled boolean - Only applies when the VeriCite plugin is enabled for a course and the submission_types array includes “online_upload”. Toggles VeriCite submissions for the assignment. Will be ignored if VeriCite is not available for the course.
#' @param turnitin_settings string - 	Settings to send along to turnitin. See Assignment object definition for format.
#' @param integration_data string - Data used for SIS integrations. Requires admin-level token with the “Manage SIS” permission. JSON string required.
#' @param integration_id string - Unique ID from third party integrations
#' @param peer_reviews boolean - If submission_types does not include external_tool,discussion_topic, online_quiz, or on_paper, determines whether or not peer reviews will be turned on for the assignment.
#' @param automatic_peer_reviews boolean - Whether peer reviews will be assigned automatically by Canvas or if teachers must manually assign peer reviews. Does not apply if peer reviews are not enabled.
#' @param notify_of_update boolean - If true, Canvas will send a notification to students in the class notifying them that the content has changed.
#' @param group_category_id integer - If present, the assignment will become a group assignment assigned to the group.
#' @param grade_group_students_individually boolean - If this is a group assignment, teachers have the options to grade students individually. If false, Canvas will apply the assignment's score to each member of the group. If true, the teacher can manually assign scores to each member of the group.
#' @param external_tool_tag_attributes string - Hash of external tool parameters if submission_types is external_tool. See Assignment object definition for format.
#' @param points_possible number - The maximum points possible on the assignment.
#' @param grading_type string - The strategy used for grading the assignment. The assignment defaults to “points” if this field is omitted. Options: pass_fail, percent, letter_grade, gpa_scale, points
#' @param due_at datetime - The day/time the assignment is due. Must be between the lock dates if there are lock dates. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2014-10-21T18:48:00Z.
#' @param lock_at datetime - The day/time the assignment is locked after. Must be after the due date if there is a due date. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2014-10-21T18:48:00Z.
#' @param unlock_at datetime - The day/time the assignment is unlocked. Must be before the due date if there is a due date. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2014-10-21T18:48:00Z.
#' @param description string - The assignment's description, supports HTML.
#' @param assignment_group_id number - The assignment group id to put the assignment in. Defaults to the top assignment group in the course.
#' @param muted boolean - Whether this assignment is muted. A muted assignment does not send change notifications and hides grades from students. Defaults to false.
#' @param assignment_overrides List of overrides for the assignment.
#' @param only_visible_to_overrides boolean - Whether this assignment is only visible to overrides (Only useful if 'differentiated assignments' account setting is on)
#' @param published boolean - Whether this assignment is published. (Only useful if 'draft state' account setting is on) Unpublished assignments are not visible to students.
#' @param grading_standard_id integer - The grading standard id to set for the course. If no value is provided for this argument the current grading_standard will be un-set from this course. This will update the grading_type for the course to letter_grade' unless it is already 'gpa_scale'.
#' @param omit_from_final_grade boolean - Whether this assignment is counted towards a student's final grade.
#' @param quiz_lti boolean - Whether this assignment should use the Quizzes 2 LTI tool. Sets the submission type to 'external_tool' and configures the external tool attributes to use the Quizzes 2 LTI tool configured for this course. Has no effect if no Quizzes 2 LTI tool is configured.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create_course_assignment(course_id = 432432, name = "Challenging Assignment")
#' create_course_assignment(course_id = 3432432, name = "R Packages, Review", peer_reviews = TRUE, points_possible = 100, omit_from_final_grade = TRUE)
create_course_assignment <- function(course_id, name, position = NULL, submission_types = NULL, allowed_extensions = NULL, turnitin_enabled = NULL,
                                     vericite_enabled = NULL, turnitin_settings = NULL, integration_data = NULL, integration_id = NULL, peer_reviews = NULL,
                                     automatic_peer_reviews = NULL, notify_of_update = NULL, group_category_id = NULL, grade_group_students_individually = NULL,
                                     external_tool_tag_attributes = NULL, points_possible = NULL, grading_type = NULL, due_at = NULL,
                                     lock_at = NULL, unlock_at = NULL, description = NULL, assignment_group_id = NULL, muted = NULL,
                                     assignment_overrides = NULL, only_visible_to_overrides = NULL, published = NULL, grading_standard_id = NULL,
                                     omit_from_final_grade = NULL, quiz_lti = NULL) {
  url <- make_canvas_url("courses", course_id, "assignments")
  args <- sc(list(name = name,
                  position = position,
                  submission_types = submission_types,
                  allowed_extensions = allowed_extensions,
                  turnitin_enabled = turnitin_enabled,
                  vericite_enabled = vericite_enabled,
                  turnitin_settings = turnitin_settings,
                  integration_data = integration_data,
                  integration_id = integration_id,
                  peer_reviews = peer_reviews,
                  automatic_peer_reviews = automatic_peer_reviews,
                  notify_of_update = notify_of_update,
                  group_category_id = group_category_id,
                  grade_group_students_individually = grade_group_students_individually,
                  external_tool_tag_attributes = external_tool_tag_attributes,
                  points_possible = points_possible,
                  grading_type = grading_type,
                  due_at = due_at,
                  lock_at = lock_at,
                  unlock_at = unlock_at,
                  description = description,
                  assignment_group_id = assignment_group_id,
                  muted = muted,
                  assignment_overrides = assignment_overrides,
                  only_visible_to_overrides = only_visible_to_overrides,
                  published = published,
                  grading_standard_id = grading_standard_id,
                  omit_from_final_grade = omit_from_final_grade,
                  quiz_lti = quiz_lti))
  names(args) <- sprintf("assignment[%s]", names(args))
  invisible(canvas_query(url, args, "POST"))
  message(sprintf("Assignment %s created.", name))

#' Create a course module
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param name the module name (only parameter required)
#' @param unlock_at datetime - The day/time the module is unlocked. Accepts times in ISO 8601 format, e.g. 2014-10-21T18:48:00Z.
#' @param position integer - The position of this module.
#' @param require_sequential_progress boolean
#' @param prerequisite_module_ids integer
#' @param publish_final_grade boolean - whether the final grade should be published upon completion
#' @return invisible
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create_canvas_module(course_id = 432432, name = "Module 1")
create_canvas_module <- function(course_id, name,
                                 unlock_at = NULL,
                                 position = NULL,
                                 require_sequential_progress = NULL,
                                 prerequisite_module_ids = NULL,
                                 publish_final_grade = NULL) {
  url <- make_canvas_url("courses", course_id, "modules")
  args <- sc(
    list(name = name,
         unlock_at = unlock_at,
         position = position,
         require_sequential_progress = require_sequential_progress,
         prerequisite_module_ids = prerequisite_module_ids,
         publish_final_grade = publish_final_grade))
  names(args) <- sprintf("module[%s]", names(args))
  invisible(canvas_query(url, args, "POST"))
  message(sprintf("Modules %s created.", name))

#' Create a module item
#' @param course_id a valid course id
#' @param module_id a valid module id
#' @param type string - type of module item (must be one of: File, Page, Discussion, Assignment, Quiz, SubHeader, ExternalUrl, ExternalTool)
#' @param content_id integer - The id of the content to link to the module item. Required, except for ‘ExternalUrl’, ‘Page’, and ‘SubHeader’ types.
#' @param title integer - The name of the module item and associated content
#' @param position integer - The position of this item in the module
#' @param indent integer - 0-based indent level; module items may be indented to show a hierarchy
#' @param page_url string - Suffix for the linked wiki page (e.g. ‘front-page’). Required for ‘Page’ type.
#' @param external_url string - External url that the item points to. (Required for ‘ExternalUrl’ and ‘ExternalTool’ types)
#' @param new_tab boolean - Whether the external tool opens in a new tab. Only applies to ‘ExternalTool’ type.
#' @return invisible
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create_canvas_module_item(
#'   course_id = 432432,
#'   module_id = 1,
#'   type = "SubHeader",
#'   title = "Before Class")
create_canvas_module_item <- function(course_id, module_id, type,
                                      content_id = NULL,
                                      title = NULL,
                                      position = NULL,
                                      indent = NULL,
                                      page_url = NULL,
                                      external_url = NULL,
                                      new_tab = NULL) {
  url <- make_canvas_url("courses", course_id, "modules", module_id, "items")
  args <- sc(list(type = type, content_id = content_id, title = title, position = position, indent = indent, page_url = page_url, external_url = external_url, new_tab = new_tab))
  names(args) <- sprintf("module_item[%s]", names(args))
  invisible(canvas_query(url, args, "POST"))
  message(sprintf("Modules %s updated", module_id))
daranzolin/rcanvas documentation built on May 18, 2024, 2:33 p.m.