errorlocation: Error location object

errorlocation-classR Documentation

Error location object


Errorlocation contains the result of a error detection. Errors can record based or variable based.

  • A record based error is restricted within one observation. errorlocate() using the Felligi Holt algorithm assumes errors are record based.

  • A variable based error is a flaw in uni- or multivariate distribution. To correct this error multiple observations or the aggregated number should be adjusted.


Current implementation assumes that errors are record based. The error locations can be retrieved using the method values() and are a matrix of rows and columns, with the same dimensions are the data.frame that was checked. For errors that are purely column based, or dataset based, errorlocations will return a matrix with all rows or cells set to TRUE. The values() return NA for missing values.


  • ⁠$errors⁠: matrix indicating which values are erronuous (TRUE), missing (NA) or valid (FALSE)

  • ⁠$weight⁠: The total weight per record. A weight of 0 means no errors were detected.

  • ⁠$status⁠: The status of the mip solver for this record.

  • ⁠$duration⁠: The number of seconds for processing each record.

See Also

Other error finding: errors_removed(), expand_weights(), locate_errors(), replace_errors()

data-cleaning/errorlocate documentation built on June 13, 2024, 4:37 a.m.