expand_weights: Create a weight matrix

View source: R/expand_weights.R

expand_weightsR Documentation

Create a weight matrix


Expands a weight specification into a weight matrix to be used by locate_errors and replace_errors. Weights allow for "guiding" the errorlocalization process, so that less reliable values/variables with less weight are selected first. See details on the specification.


expand_weights(dat, weight = NULL, as.data.frame = FALSE, ...)



data.frame the data to be checked


weight specification, see details.


if TRUE a data.frame will be returned.




If weight fine tuning is needed, a possible scenario is to generate a weight data.frame using expand_weights and adjust it before executing locate_errors() or replace_errors(). The following specifications for weight are supported:

  • NULL: generates a weight matrix with 1's

  • a named numeric, unmentioned columns will have weight 1

  • a unnamed numeric with a length equal to ncol(dat)

  • a data.frame with same number of rows as dat

  • a matrix with same number of rows as dat

  • Inf, NA weights will be interpreted as that those variables must not be changed and are fixated. Inf weights perform much better than setting a weight to a large number.


matrix or data.frame of same dimensions as dat

See Also

Other error finding: errorlocation-class, errors_removed(), locate_errors(), replace_errors()


dat <- read.csv(text=
  49,     NL
  23,     DE
", strip.white=TRUE)

weight <- c(age = 2, country = 1)
expand_weights(dat, weight)

weight <- c(2, 1)
expand_weights(dat, weight, as.data.frame = TRUE)

# works too
weight <- c(country=5)
expand_weights(dat, weight)

# specify a per row weight for country
weight <- data.frame(country=c(1,5))
expand_weights(dat, weight)

# country should not be changed!
weight <- c(country = Inf)
expand_weights(dat, weight)

data-cleaning/errorlocate documentation built on Oct. 1, 2023, 1:04 p.m.