errlines: Plot error bars

View source: R/errlines.R

errlinesR Documentation

Plot error bars


The function plots error bars to existing plot.


errlines(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
errlines(x, y, type = "l", code = 0, 
    width = 0, vertical = TRUE, col = 1, bg = NA, ...)



Numeric vector with coordinates along the horizontal axis (if vertical = FALSE, this sets the vertical axis).


A matrix-like object with 2 columns for lower and upper values on the vertical axis (if vertical = FALSE, this sets the horizontal axis).


Character, "l" for lines, "b" for boxes to be drawn.


Integer code, determining the kind of ticks to be drawn. See Details.


Numeric, width of the ticks (if type = "l") or width of the boxes (if type = "b").


Logical, if errorbars should be plotted vertically or horizontally.


Color of the error lines to be drawn, recycled if needed.


If type = "b" the background color of the boxes. By default, no background color used.


Other arguments passed to the function lines.


The errlines function uses lines to draw error bars to existing plot when type = "l". polygon is used for boxes when type = "b".

If code = 0 no ticks are drawn, if code = 1, only lower ticks are drawn, if code = 2 only lower ticks are drawn, if code = 3 both lower and upper ticks are drawn.


Adds error bars to an existing plot as a side effect. Returns NULL invisibly.


Peter Solymos

See Also

lines, polygon


x <- 1:10
a <- rnorm(10,10)
a <- a[order(a)]
b <- runif(10)
y <- cbind(a-b, a+b+rev(b))
opar <- par(mfrow=c(2, 3))
plot(x, a, ylim = range(y))
errlines(x, y)
plot(x, a, ylim = range(y))
errlines(x, y, width = 0.5, code = 1)
plot(x, a, ylim = range(y), col = 1:10)
errlines(x, y, width = 0.5, code = 3, col = 1:10)
plot(x, a, ylim = range(y))
errlines(x, y, width = 0.5, code = 2, type = "b")
plot(x, a, ylim = range(y))
errlines(x, y, width = 0.5, code = 3, type = "b")
plot(x, a, ylim = range(y), type = "n")
errlines(x, y, width = 0.5, code = 3, type = "b", bg = 1:10)
errlines(x, cbind(a-b/2, a+b/2+rev(b)/2))
points(x, a)

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