
Defines functions glmSummaryDS.as

Documented in glmSummaryDS.as

# glmSummaryDS.as
#' @title summarize a glm object on the serverside
#' @description summarize a glm object on the serverside to create a 
#' summary_glm object. Also identify and return components of 
#' both the glm object and the summary_glm object 
#' that can safely be sent to the clientside without a risk of disclosure 
#' @details Serverside assign function called by ds.glmSummary
#' summarises a glm object that has already been created on the serverside by
#' fitting ds.glmSLMA and writes the summary_glm object to the serverside.
#' For further details see help for ds.glmSLMA and help in native R
#' for glm() and summary.glm
#' @param x.transmit a character string specifying the name of the
#' glm object on the serverside that is to be summarised. This is
#' specified by x.name argument in ds.glmSummary
#' @return writes object to serverside which is precisely equivalent
#' to summary(glm object) in native R
#' @author Paul Burton for DataSHIELD Development Team (20/7/20)
#' @export

glmSummaryDS.as <- function(x.transmit){

# DataSHIELD MODULE: CAPTURE THE nfilter SETTINGS                       #
thr<-dsBase::listDisclosureSettingsDS()                                 #
#nfilter.tab<-as.numeric(thr$nfilter.tab)                               #
#nfilter.glm<-as.numeric(thr$nfilter.glm)                               #
#nfilter.subset<-as.numeric(thr$nfilter.subset)                         #
#nfilter.string<-as.numeric(thr$nfilter.string)                         #
nfilter.stringShort<-as.numeric(thr$nfilter.stringShort)                #
#nfilter.kNN<-as.numeric(thr$nfilter.kNN)                               #
#datashield.privacyLevel<-as.numeric(thr$datashield.privacyLevel)       #

#Check character string denoting <x.transmit> argument is not potentially disclosive because of length 


	x.text<-strsplit(x.transmit, split="")
	if(length(string.2.test)>nfilter.stringShort) string.safe<-FALSE

   studysideMessage<-"FAILED: the character string denoting the argument <x.name> is too long and may be disclosive - please shorten"
   stop(studysideMessage, call. = FALSE)

#create summary.glm object



#block na.action and deviance residual components of summary object




#assign function
# glmSummaryDS.as
datashield/dsBase documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:01 p.m.