#' @title Calculates the covariance of R objects in the server-side
#' @description This function calculates the covariance of two variables or the variance-covariance
#' matrix for the variables of an input data frame.
#' @details In addition to computing covariances; this function produces a table outlining the
#' number of complete cases and a table outlining the number of missing values to allow for the
#' user to decide about the 'relevance' of the covariance based on the number of complete
#' cases included in the covariance calculations.
#' If the argument \code{y} is not NULL, the dimensions of the object have to be
#' compatible with the argument \code{x}.
#' If \code{naAction} is set to \code{'casewise.complete'}, then the function omits all the rows
#' in the whole data frame that include at least one cell with a missing value before the calculation of covariances.
#' If \code{naAction} is set to \code{'pairwise.complete'} (default),
#' then the function divides the input data frame to
#' subset data frames formed by each pair between two variables
#' (all combinations are considered) and omits the rows
#' with missing values at each pair separately and then calculates the covariances of those pairs.
#' If \code{type} is set to \code{'split'} (default), the covariance of two variables or the
#' variance-covariance matrix of an input data frame and the number of
#' complete cases and missing values are returned for every single study.
#' If type is set to \code{'combine'}, the pooled covariance, the total number of complete cases
#' and the total number of missing values aggregated from all the involved studies, are returned.
#' Server function called: \code{covDS}
#' @param x a character string providing the name of the input vector, data frame or matrix.
#' @param y a character string providing the name of the input vector,
#' data frame or matrix. Default NULL.
#' @param naAction a character string giving a method for computing covariances in the
#' presence of missing values. This must be set to \code{'casewise.complete'} or
#' \code{'pairwise.complete'}. Default \code{'pairwise.complete'}. For more information see details.
#' @param type a character string that represents the type of analysis to carry out.
#' This must be set to \code{'split'} or \code{'combine'}. Default \code{'split'}. For more information see details.
#' @param datasources a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} objects obtained after login.
#' If the \code{datasources} argument is not specified
#' the default set of connections will be used: see \code{\link{datashield.connections_default}}.
#' @return \code{ds.cov} returns a list containing the number of missing values in each variable, the number of missing values
#' casewise or pairwise depending on the argument \code{naAction}, the covariance matrix, the number of used complete cases
#' and an error message which indicates whether or not the input variables pass the disclosure controls. The first disclosure
#' control checks that the number of variables is not bigger than a percentage of the individual-level records (the allowed
#' percentage is pre-specified by the 'nfilter.glm'). The second disclosure control checks that none of them is dichotomous
#' with a level having fewer counts than the pre-specified 'nfilter.tab' threshold. If any of the input variables do not pass
#' the disclosure controls then all the output values are replaced with NAs. If all the variables are valid and pass
#' the controls, then the output matrices are returned and also an error message is returned but it is replaced by NA.
#' @author DataSHIELD Development Team
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Version 6, for version 5 see the Wiki
#' # Connecting to the Opal servers
#' require('DSI')
#' require('DSOpal')
#' require('dsBaseClient')
#' builder <- DSI::newDSLoginBuilder()
#' builder$append(server = "study1",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "CNSIM.CNSIM1", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' builder$append(server = "study2",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "CNSIM.CNSIM2", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' builder$append(server = "study3",
#' url = "",
#' user = "administrator", password = "datashield_test&",
#' table = "CNSIM.CNSIM3", driver = "OpalDriver")
#' logindata <- builder$build()
#' # Log onto the remote Opal training servers
#' connections <- DSI::datashield.login(logins = logindata, assign = TRUE, symbol = "D")
#' # Calculate the covariance between two vectors
#' ds.assign(newobj='labhdl', toAssign='D$LAB_HDL', datasources = connections)
#' ds.assign(newobj='labtsc', toAssign='D$LAB_TSC', datasources = connections)
#' ds.assign(newobj='gender', toAssign='D$GENDER', datasources = connections)
#' ds.cov(x = 'labhdl',
#' y = 'labtsc',
#' naAction = 'pairwise.complete',
#' type = 'combine',
#' datasources = connections)
#' ds.cov(x = 'labhdl',
#' y = 'gender',
#' naAction = 'pairwise.complete',
#' type = 'combine',
#' datasources = connections[1]) #only the first Opal server is used ("study1")
#' # clear the Datashield R sessions and logout
#' datashield.logout(connections)
#' }
#' @export
ds.cov <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, naAction='pairwise.complete', type="split", datasources=NULL){
# look for DS connections
datasources <- datashield.connections_find()
# ensure datasources is a list of DSConnection-class
if(!(is.list(datasources) && all(unlist(lapply(datasources, function(d) {methods::is(d,"DSConnection")}))))){
stop("The 'datasources' were expected to be a list of DSConnection-class objects", call.=FALSE)
stop("x=NULL. Please provide the name of a matrix or dataframe or the names of two numeric vectors!", call.=FALSE)
isDefined(datasources, x)
# check the type of the input objects
typ <- checkClass(datasources, x)
if(('numeric' %in% typ) | ('integer' %in% typ) | ('factor' %in% typ)){
stop("If x is a numeric vector, y must be a numeric vector!", call.=FALSE)
isDefined(datasources, y)
typ2 <- checkClass(datasources, y)
if(('matrix' %in% typ) | ('data.frame' %in% typ) & !(is.null(y))){
y <- NULL
warning("x is a matrix or a dataframe; y will be ignored and a covariance matrix computed for x!")
# name of the studies to be used in the output
stdnames <- names(datasources)
# call the server side function
if(('matrix' %in% typ) | ('data.frame' %in% typ)){
calltext <- call("covDS", x, NULL, naAction)
calltext <- call("covDS", x, y, naAction)
calltext <- call("covDS", x, NULL, naAction)
output <- DSI::datashield.aggregate(datasources, calltext)
if (type=="split"){
covariance <- list()
results <- list()
for(i in 1:length(stdnames)){
covariance[[i]] <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[i]][[1]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[i]][[1]])[1])
colnames(covariance[[i]]) <- colnames(output[[i]][[1]])
rownames(covariance[[i]]) <- colnames(output[[i]][[1]])
for(m in 1:dim(output[[i]][[1]])[1]){
for(n in 1:dim(output[[i]][[1]])[2]){
if (naAction=='pairwise.complete'){
covariance[[i]][m,n] <- (1/(output[[i]][[3]][m,n]-1))*(output[[i]][[1]][m,n])-(1/(output[[i]][[3]][m,n]*(output[[i]][[3]][m,n]-1)))*output[[i]][[2]][m,n]*output[[i]][[2]][n,m]
if (naAction=='casewise.complete'){
covariance[[i]][m,n] <- (1/(output[[i]][[3]][m,n]-1))*(output[[i]][[1]][m,n])-(1/(output[[i]][[3]][m,n]*(output[[i]][[3]][m,n]-1)))*output[[i]][[2]][m]*output[[i]][[2]][n]
results[[i]] <- list(output[[i]][[4]][[1]], output[[i]][[4]][[2]], covariance[[i]], output[[i]][[3]], output[[i]][[5]])
n1 <- "Number of missing values in each variable"
n2 <- "Number of missing values casewise"
n2 <- "Number of missing values pairwise"
n3 <- "Variance-Covariance Matrix"
n4 <- "Number of complete cases used"
n5 <- "Error message"
names(results[[i]]) <- c(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
if (type=="combine"){
combined.sums.of.products <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[1]][[1]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[1]][[1]])[1])
combined.sums <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[1]][[2]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[1]][[2]])[1])
combined.complete.cases <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[1]][[3]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[1]][[3]])[1])
combined.missing.cases.vector <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[1]][[4]][[1]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[1]][[4]][[1]])[1])
combined.missing.cases.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[1]][[4]][[2]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[1]][[4]][[2]])[1])
combined.error.message <- list()
for(i in 1:length(stdnames)){
combined.sums.of.products <- combined.sums.of.products + output[[i]][[1]]
combined.sums <- combined.sums + output[[i]][[2]]
combined.complete.cases <- combined.complete.cases + output[[i]][[3]]
combined.missing.cases.vector <- combined.missing.cases.vector + output[[i]][[4]][[1]]
combined.missing.cases.matrix <- combined.missing.cases.matrix + output[[i]][[4]][[2]]
combined.error.message[[i]] <- output[[i]][[5]]
combined.covariance <- matrix(0, ncol=dim(output[[1]][[1]])[2], nrow=dim(output[[1]][[1]])[1])
colnames(combined.covariance) <- colnames(output[[1]][[1]])
rownames(combined.covariance) <- colnames(output[[1]][[1]])
for(m in 1:dim(output[[i]][[1]])[1]){
for(n in 1:dim(output[[i]][[1]])[1]){
if (naAction=='pairwise.complete'){
combined.covariance[m,n] <- (1/(combined.complete.cases[m,n]-1))*(combined.sums.of.products[m,n])-(1/(combined.complete.cases[m,n]*(combined.complete.cases[m,n]-1)))*combined.sums[m,n]*combined.sums[n,m]
if (naAction=='casewise.complete'){
combined.covariance[m,n] <- (1/(combined.complete.cases[m,n]-1))*(combined.sums.of.products[m,n])-(1/(combined.complete.cases[m,n]*(combined.complete.cases[m,n]-1)))*combined.sums[m]*combined.sums[n]
results <- list(combined.missing.cases.vector, combined.missing.cases.matrix, combined.covariance, combined.complete.cases, combined.error.message)
n1 <- "Number of missing values in each variable"
n2 <- "Number of missing values casewise"
n2 <- "Number of missing values pairwise"
n3 <- "Variance-Covariance Matrix"
n4 <- "Number of complete cases used"
n5 <- "Error message"
names(results) <- c(n1, n2, n3, n4, n5)
stop('Function argument "type" has to be either "combine" or "split"')
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