
#' @title Replaces the missing values in a vector
#' @description This function identifies missing values and replaces them by a value or 
#' values specified by the analyst.
#' @details This function is used when the analyst prefer or requires complete vectors. 
#' It is then possible the specify one value for each missing value by first returning
#' the number of missing values using the function \code{ds.numNA} but in most cases
#' it might be more sensible to replace all missing values by one specific value e.g. 
#' replace all missing values in a vector by the mean or median value. Once the missing
#' values have been replaced a new vector is created. 
#' NOTE: If the vector is within a table structure such as a data frame the new vector is 
#' appended to table structure so that the table hold hold both the vector with and without
#' missing values. The latter is, by default, given a different that indicates its 'completeness'. 
#' @param x a character, the name of the vector to process.
#' @param forNA a list which contains the replacement value(s), a vector one or more values 
#' for each study. The length of the list must be equal to the number of servers the analyst 
#' is connected to. 
#' @param newobj a character, the name of the new vector in which missing values have been replaced. 
#' If no name is specified the default name is the name of the original vector followed by the suffix 
#' '.noNA' e.g. 'LAB_HDL.noNA' if the name of the vector is 'LAB_HDL'.
#' @param checks a boolean, if TRUE (default) checks that verify elements on the server side
#' such checks lengthen the run-time so the default is FALSE and one can switch these checks
#' on (set to TRUE) when faced with some error(s).
#' @param datasources a list of opal object(s) obtained after login in to opal servers;
#' these objects hold also the data assign to R, as \code{dataframe}, from opal datasources.
#' @return a new vector or table structure with the same class is stored on the server site.
#' @author Gaye, A.
#' @export
#' @examples {
#'   # load that contains the login details
#'   data(logindata)
#'   # login and assign all the stored variables.
#'   opals <- datashield.login(logins=logindata,assign=TRUE)
#'   # Replace missing values in variable 'LAB_HDL' by the mean value in each study
#'   # first let us get the mean value for 'LAB_HDL' in each study
#'   ds.mean(x='D$LAB_HDL', type='split')
#'   # replace missing values in the variable 'LAB_HDL' in dataf frame 'D' by 
#'   # the mean value and name the new variable 'HDL.noNA'. 
#'   ds.replaceNA(x='D$LAB_HDL', forNA=list(1.569416, 1.556648), newobj='HDL.noNA')
#'   # clear the Datashield R sessions and logout
#'   datashield.logout(opals)
#' }
ds.replaceNA = function(x=NULL, forNA=NULL, newobj=NULL, checks=FALSE, datasources=NULL) {
  # if no opal login details are provided look for 'opal' objects in the environment
    datasources <- findLoginObjects()
    stop("Please provide the name of a vector!", call.=FALSE)
  # check if replacement values have been provided
    stop("Please provide a list of replacement values!", call.=FALSE)
    if(length(forNA) != length(datasources)){
      stop("'forNA' must be of the same length as the number of datasources/studies!", call.=FALSE)
    # check if the input object(s) is(are) defined in all the studies
    inputElts <- extract(x)
      defined <- isDefined(datasources, inputElts[[2]])
      defined <- isDefined(datasources, inputElts[[1]])
  for(i in 1:length(datasources)){
    # get the number of missing values for each study and if the number of 
    # replacement values is not 1 and is greater or smaller than the actual 
    # number of missing values stop the process and tell the analyst
    cally <- paste0("numNaDS(", x, ")")
    numNAs <- datashield.aggregate(datasources[i], as.symbol(cally)) 
    if(length(forNA[[i]]) != 1 & length(forNA[[i]]) != numNAs[[1]]){
      message("The number of replacement values must be of length 1 or of the same length as the number of missing values.")
      stop(paste0("This is not the case in ", names(datasources)[i]), call.=FALSE)
    newobj <- paste0(inputElts[[2]],".noNA")
  # call the server side function and doo the replacement for each server
  for(i in 1:length(datasources)){
    message(paste0("--Processing ", names(datasources)[i], "..."))
    cally <- paste0("replaceNaDS(", x, paste0(", c(",paste(forNA[[i]],collapse=","),")"), ")")
    datashield.assign(datasources[i], newobj, as.symbol(cally))

    # check that the new object has been created and display a message accordingly
    finalcheck <- isAssigned(datasources[i], newobj) 
    # if the input vector is within a table structure append the new vector to that table
      cally <-  paste0("cbind(", inputElts[[1]], ",", newobj, ")")
      datashield.assign(datasources[i], inputElts[[1]], as.symbol(cally)) 
datashield/dsTutorialClient documentation built on May 14, 2019, 7:52 p.m.