Man pages for davetgerrard/GenomicLayers
Simple, sequence-based simulation of epi-genomes.

createBindingFactor.DNA_consensusCreate a binding factor object to match a given DNA consensus
createBindingFactor.DNA_motifCreate a binding factor object to match a given DNA motif
createBindingFactor.DNA_regexpCreate a binding factor object to match a given pattern of...
createBindingFactor.layer_regionCreate a binding factor object to match a given pattern of...
createLayerList.DNAstringCreate a LayerList object from a DNA sequence
createLayerSet.BSgenomeCreate a genome-wide layerList object
createRandomBindingFactorRandomly generate a binding factor
generateHitsCacheGenerate a cache of binding factor within a LayerList
GSM1182890_d3.xist.mus.meanScoresMean scores from mm9 chrX
keepBSgenomeSequencesSubset a BSgenome object
matchBindingFactorFind matches for a binding factor on a layer set
matchBindingFactor.BSgenomeFind matches for a binding factor on a layer set containing a...
matchRegExp.BSgenomeCustomised matching for regular expression binding factors to...
modifyLayerByBindingFactor.ViewsModify a layerSet object
plot.factorSetPlot to visualise a set of binding factor profiles and mod...
plotLayersSimple plotting function to monitor positions of features on...
print.bfSetFormatted printing for a set of binding factors
runLayerBindingRun the layer binding simulation
runLayerBinding.BSgenomeRun the layer binding simulation on a BSgenome object
davetgerrard/GenomicLayers documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 6:44 a.m.