
context("Loss functions")

test_that("Cross-entropy is correct",{
  y = dropoutMask(5, 6)
  yhat = sigmoid(rnorm(length(y)))
    crossEntropy(y = y, yhat = yhat),
    -dbinom(x = y, prob = yhat, size = 1, log = TRUE)
    crossEntropy(y = 0, yhat = 1),
  crossEntropyOfCertainty = crossEntropy(y = y, yhat = 0)
    all(is.na(crossEntropyOfCertainty) | crossEntropyOfCertainty == Inf)

test_that("Poisson loss is correct",{
  N = 1E3
  yhat = matrix(rexp(N), ncol = 10)
  y = matrix(rpois(N, 5), ncol = 10)
    poissonLoss()$loss(y = y, yhat = yhat),
    - dpois(x = y, lambda = yhat, log = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(poissonLoss()$loss(y = y, yhat = yhat)), dim(yhat))
  # No other tests should be needed; dpois is already tested by R-core.

test_that("Binomial loss is correct",{
  N = 1E3L
  n = 1E2L
  yhat = matrix(runif(N), ncol = 10)
  y = matrix(rbinom(N, 5, prob = runif(N)), ncol = 10)
    binomialLoss(n = n)$loss(y = y, yhat = yhat),
    - dbinom(x = y, prob = yhat, size = n, log = TRUE)
  expect_equal(dim(binomialLoss(n = n)$loss(y = y, yhat = yhat)), dim(yhat))
  # No other tests should be needed; dpois is already tested by R-core.

test_that("Squared loss is correct",{
  N = 1E3
  yhat = matrix(rnorm(N), ncol = 10)
  y = matrix(rnorm(N), ncol = 10)
    squaredLoss()$loss(y = y, yhat = yhat),
    (y - yhat)^2
  expect_equal(dim(squaredLoss()$loss(y = y, yhat = yhat)), dim(yhat))
davharris/mistnet documentation built on May 14, 2019, 9:28 p.m.