
#' @title Produce a vector of file names parsed out of a pattern and some metavalues
#' @description This function parses each component of a vector of file names with a pattern filling
#'  out the corresponding codes with the input metavalues.
#' @param UnitNames Character vector with the names of the files to parse.
#' @param MetaValues Object of the appropriate class (\linkS4class{RepoTimeInt}, 
#' \linkS4class{integer}, ...) with the values of the metacharacters to be parsed.
#' @return Return a vector with each component of the input vector \code{UnitNames} parsed according
#'  to the input parameter \code{MetaValues}.
#' @examples
#' ParseUnitName(c('dat[mm][aa].sas7bdat'), RepoTime::newRepoTime(c('MM122015', 'MM012016', 'MM022016')))
#' ParseUnitName(c('dat[mm][aa].sas7bdat', 'in[aaaa][mm].txt'), 
#'               RepoTime::newRepoTime(c('MM122015', 'MM012016', 'MM022016')))
#' ParseUnitName(c('PONALI_[ccaa]'), c(paste0(0, 1:9), 10:12))
#' ParseUnitName(c('primeraDepu_[NombreEdit]', 'ultimaDepu_[NombreEdit]'), c('logCNPR', 'logEX', 'Range'))
#' @export
setGeneric("ParseUnitName", function(UnitNames, MetaValues){standardGeneric("ParseUnitName")})

#' @rdname ParseUnitName
#' @import data.table
#' @importClassesFrom RepoTime RepoTimeInt
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @export
    f = "ParseUnitName",
    signature = c("character", "RepoTimeInt"),
    function(UnitNames, MetaValues){
    TimePeriods <- RepoTime::getRepo(MetaValues)
    PeriodType <- unique(substr(TimePeriods, 1, 1))
    if (length(PeriodType) != 1) stop('[RepoReadWrite::ParseUnitName] Only one time period type allowed at a time.')
    if (PeriodType == 'M') {
        output <- unlist(lapply(TimePeriods, function(TimePeriod){
            month <- unlist(substr(TimePeriod, 3, 4))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(UnitNames, function(UnitName){
                outLocal <- gsub('[mm]', month, UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
            year4 <- unlist(as.integer(substr(TimePeriod, 5, 8)))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(ParsedUnitNames, function(UnitName){
                outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa + 1]', str_pad(year4 + 1, 4, 'left', '0'), UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
                outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa]', str_pad(year4, 4, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
                outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa - 1]', str_pad(year4 - 1, 4, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)

            year2 <- unlist(as.integer(substr(TimePeriod, 7, 8)))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(ParsedUnitNames, function(UnitName){
                outLocal <- gsub('[aa + 1]', str_pad(year2 + 1, 2, 'left', '0'), UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
                outLocal <- gsub('[aa]', str_pad(year2, 2, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
                outLocal <- gsub('[aa - 1]', str_pad(year2 - 1, 2, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
    if (PeriodType == 'A') {
        output <- unlist(lapply(TimePeriods, function(TimePeriod){
            year4 <- unlist(as.integer(substr(TimePeriod, 3, 6)))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(UnitNames, function(UnitName){
              outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa + 1]', str_pad(year4 + 1, 4, 'left', '0'), UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa]', str_pad(year4, 4, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa - 1]', str_pad(year4 - 1, 4, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
            year2 <- unlist(as.integer(substr(TimePeriod, 5, 6)))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(ParsedUnitNames, function(UnitName){
              outLocal <- gsub('[aa + 1]', str_pad(year2 + 1, 2, 'left', '0'), UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aa]', str_pad(year2, 2, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aa - 1]', str_pad(year2 - 1, 2, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
    if (PeriodType == 'T') {
        output <- unlist(lapply(TimePeriods, function(TimePeriod){
            term <- unlist(substr(TimePeriod, 3, 3))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(UnitNames, function(UnitName){
                outLocal <- gsub('[t]', term, UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
            year4 <- unlist(as.integer(substr(TimePeriod, 4, 7)))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(ParsedUnitNames, function(UnitName){
              outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa + 1]', str_pad(year4 + 1, 4, 'left', '0'), UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa]', str_pad(year4, 4, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aaaa - 1]', str_pad(year4 - 1, 4, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
            year2 <- unlist(as.integer(substr(TimePeriod, 6, 7)))
            ParsedUnitNames <- unlist(lapply(ParsedUnitNames, function(UnitName){
              outLocal <- gsub('[aa + 1]', str_pad(year2 + 1, 2, 'left', '0'), UnitName, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aa]', str_pad(year2, 2, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
              outLocal <- gsub('[aa - 1]', str_pad(year2 - 1, 2, 'left', '0'), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)

#' @rdname ParseUnitName
#' @export
    f = "ParseUnitName",
    signature = c("character", "integer"),
    function(UnitNames, MetaValues){
        IntNums <- MetaValues
        output <- unlist(lapply(IntNums, function(IntNum){
            outLocal <- gsub('[n]', IntNum, UnitNames, fixed = TRUE)

#' @rdname ParseUnitName
#' @export
  f = "ParseUnitName",
  signature = c("character", "character"),
  function(UnitNames, MetaValues){
    IntChars <- MetaValues
    output <- unlist(lapply(IntChars, function(IntChar){
      outLocal <- gsub('[ccaa]', IntChar, UnitNames, fixed = TRUE)
      outLocal <- gsub('[NombreEdit]', IntChar, outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
      if (regexpr('[0-9]+', IntChar) == 1) {
        outLocal <- gsub('[bbbb+2]', as.integer(IntChar) + 2, outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
        outLocal <- gsub('[bbbb]', IntChar, outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
        outLocal <- gsub('[bbbb-2]', as.integer(IntChar) - 2, outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
        outLocal <- gsub('[bb+2]', substr(as.integer(IntChar) + 2, 3, 4), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
        outLocal <- gsub('[bb]', substr(IntChar, 3, 4), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
        outLocal <- gsub('[bb-2]', substr(as.integer(IntChar) - 2, 3, 4), outLocal, fixed = TRUE)
david-salgado/StQ documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 3:23 p.m.