
test_that("Default aircraft data loads", {
  expect_warning(z <- make_aircraft())
  expect_snapshot_value(z, style = "serialize")

test_that("Aircraft data loads", {
  ac <- data.frame(id = "test", type = "test aircraft",
                   over_sea_M = 2.0, over_land_M = 0.9, accel_Mpm = 0.2,
                   arrdep_kph = 300, range_km = 6000, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  # it was with 2+ rows that this failed, so test that
  expect_snapshot_value(make_aircraft(rbind(ac, ac)), style = "serialize")
  #missing vbl
  ac <- data.frame(id = "test", type = "test aircraft",
                   over_sea_M = 2.0, over_land_M = 0.9,
                   arrdep_kph = 300, range_km = 6000, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  # vbl not numeric
  ac <- data.frame(id = "test", type = "test aircraft",
                   over_sea_M = 2.0, over_land_M = 0.9, accel_Mpm = 0.2,
                   arrdep_kph = 300, range_km = "6,000", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


test_that("Default airport data loads", {
  # strip wkt using st_coordinates
  expect_message(z <- make_airports() |>
                   dplyr::filter(APICAO == "EGLL") |>
                   dplyr::mutate(ap_locs = sf::st_coordinates(ap_locs)))
  expect_snapshot_value(z, style = "serialize")

test_that("Airport data loads", {
  # normal functioning
  airports <- data.frame(APICAO = c("TEST", "test2"), lat = c(10, 5),
                         long = c(10, -5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) |>
    make_airports() |>
    dplyr::mutate(ap_locs = sf::st_coordinates(ap_locs))
  expect_snapshot_value(airports, style = "serialize")

  # with missing variable
  airports_miss <- data.frame(APICAO = "TEST", lat = 10, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  expect_error(make_airports(airports_miss), "is missing:")


test_that("Reassert does nothing wrong", {
  # 4 test sets should use crs_Pacific, one crs_longlat
  # really want to test crs, but wkt is machine dependent
  # test one segment

test_that("NZ maps available", {
  NZ_coast <- hm_get_test("coast")
  NZ_buffer30 <- hm_get_test("buffer")

  expect_true(all(sf::st_is(NZ_coast, c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))))
  expect_true(all(sf::st_is(NZ_buffer30, c("POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON"))))

test_that("can make AP2",{
  aps <- make_airports(warn = FALSE)
  z <- make_AP2("EGLL","NZCH", ap = aps)
  expect_equal(z$AP2, "EGLL<>NZCH")
  expect_equal(signif(z$gcdist_km,3), 19000)
  #don't mind which order they're in
  expect_setequal(round(z[1,c("from_long", "to_long")],2),
                  c(-0.46, 172.53))
  z <- make_AP2("BIKF", "EDDF", ap = aps)
  #check sort order
  expect_equal(z$AP2, "EDDF<>BIKF")
  expect_error(make_AP2("EGLL","ZZZZ", aps), "unknown")
  #check vector capability
  expect_equal(nrow(make_AP2(c("KJFK", "KLAX"), c("EGLL", "LFPG"), aps)), 2)

test_that("can copy attributes", {
  x <- 1
  attr(x, "test") <- "here"
  y <- 1
  y <- himach:::copy_attr(x, y, c("test"))
  expect_equal(attributes(x), attributes(y))

  expect_warning(himach:::copy_attr(x, y, c("not here")))

test_that("can rename in an environment", {
  test_env <- new.env()
  assign("rubbly", 5, envir = test_env)
  woof <- himach:::ren_subst("rubbly", "ubbl", "obber",
                            in_env = test_env)
  expect_equal(get("robbery", envir = test_env), 5)
david6marsh/himach documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:43 p.m.