Man pages for davidchampredon/GI
Generation intervals

calc.EallInternal function. Calculate total exposed when m>1 in a...
calc.IallInternal function. Calculate total prevalence when n>1 in a...
calc.JallInternal function. Calculate total incidence when n>1 in a...
GI.bckInternal function. Calculate the _backward_ generation...
GI.bck.discreteInternal function. Calculate the _backward_ generation...
gi_ct_fitFit R0 and mean generation interval from contact tracing data
gi_ct_fit_mle2Fit R0 and mean generation interval from contact tracing data
gi.distribInternal function. Discrete generation interval distribution.
GI.fwdInternal function. Calculate the _forward_ generation...
GI.fwd.discreteInternal function. Calculate the _forward_ generation...
GI.intrinsicInternal function. Calculate intrinsic generation interval...
GI.resudeGeneration interval distribution for the RESuDe epidemic...
GI.seminrCalculates the intrinsic, forward and backward generation...
nllkNegative Log-Likelihood given R0 and mean generation interval...
RESuDe.simulateInternal function. Simulation with the Renewal Equation with...
SEmInR.FXInternal function. Simulate a SEmInR model.
davidchampredon/GI documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:08 p.m.