set_formatter: Set column formatter functions

View source: R/formatters.R

set_formatterR Documentation

Set column formatter functions


Apply formatter functions to column keys.

Functions should have a single argument (the vector) and should return the formatted values as a character vector.


set_formatter(x, ..., values = NULL, part = "body")

  fmt_double = "%.03f",
  fmt_integer = "%.0f",
  fmt_date = "%Y-%m-%d",
  fmt_datetime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
  true = "true",
  false = "false",
  na_str = ""



a flextable object


Name-value pairs of functions, names should be existing col_key values


format functions, If values is supplied argument ... is ignored.

  • It can be a list of name-value pairs of functions, names should be existing col_key values.

  • If values is a single function, it will be applied to each column.


part of the table (one of 'body' or 'header' or 'footer') where to apply the formatter functions.

fmt_double, fmt_integer

arguments used by sprintf to format double and integer columns.

fmt_date, fmt_datetime

arguments used by format to format date and date time columns.

false, true

string to be used for logical columns


string for NA values


set_formatter_type is an helper function to quickly define formatter functions regarding to column types.

This function will be deprecated in favor of the ⁠colformat_*⁠ functions, for example colformat_double(). Note that we want to deprecate the set_formatter_type() function, not the set_formatter() function.

See Also

Other cells formatters: colformat_char(), colformat_date(), colformat_datetime(), colformat_double(), colformat_image(), colformat_int(), colformat_lgl(), colformat_num()

Other cells formatters: colformat_char(), colformat_date(), colformat_datetime(), colformat_double(), colformat_image(), colformat_int(), colformat_lgl(), colformat_num()


ft <- flextable(head(iris))
ft <- set_formatter(
  x = ft,
  Sepal.Length = function(x) sprintf("%.02f", x),
  Sepal.Width = function(x) sprintf("%.04f", x)
ft <- theme_vanilla(ft)

davidgohel/flextable documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 4:10 a.m.