
Defines functions risk_dashboard openfair_example explore_scenarios generate_report

Documented in explore_scenarios generate_report openfair_example risk_dashboard

#' Generate sample analysis report
#' Given a set of input files and summarized simulation results, create a
#'   skeleton risk analysis report. This report attempts to summarize the results
#'   of the analysis at a top level, using 95% Value at Risk (VaR) as the primary
#'   metric, while also providing more detailed analysis at both a per-domain and
#'   per-scenario level.
#'   This report includes several sections where an analyst will need to modify and
#'   fill in details for their specific organization. Of particular note is the
#'   Recommendations section, which will always need to be updated.
#' @importFrom dplyr case_when
#' @param input_directory Location of input files.
#' @param results_directory Location of simulation results.
#' @param output_file Full path to output file.
#' @param styles Optional full path to CSS file to override default styles.
#' @param include_header Optional full path to HTML to include in the HEAD section (HTML formats only).
#' @param focus_scenario_ids IDs of scenarios of special interest.
#' @param format Format to generate (html, pdf, word).
#' @param intermediates_dir Location for intermediate knit files.
#' @param quiet `TRUE` to suppress printing of pandoc output.
#' @param ... Any other parameters to pass straight to \code{rmarkdown::render}.
#' @return Default return values of the \code{rmarkdown::render} function.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' generate_report("~/inputs", "~/results", "~/risk_report.html")
#' }
generate_report <- function(input_directory = "~/evaluator/inputs",
                            results_directory = "~/evaluator/results",
                            styles = NULL,
                            include_header = NULL,
                            focus_scenario_ids = c("RS-51", "RS-12"),
                            format = "html",
                            intermediates_dir = tempdir(),
                            quiet = TRUE,
                            ...) {
  check_availability(packages = c("psych", "pander", "rmarkdown"),
                     func = "generate_report")

  # figure out the correct style format to apply
  styles <- if (is.null(styles)) {
    if (format == "html") system.file("rmd", "styles", "html-styles.css", package = "evaluator")
  } else {styles}

  # build header includes, if needed
  includes_content <- if (is.null(include_header)) {
    if (format == "html") {
      includes_file <- system.file("rmd", "styles", "open-sans-import.html", package = "evaluator")
      rmarkdown::includes(in_header = includes_file)
  } else {rmarkdown::includes(in_header = include_header)}

  # select the appropriate renderer
  out_format <- rmarkdown::html_document(css = styles, includes = include_header)
  out_format <- if (format == "pdf") {
    rmarkdown::pdf_document()} else {
      if (format == "word") {
        rmarkdown::word_document(reference_docx = styles) } else {
          out_format } }

  rmarkdown::render(system.file("rmd", "analyze_risk.Rmd", package = "evaluator"),
                    output_file = output_file,
                    intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
                    params = list(input_directory = input_directory,
                                  results_directory = results_directory,
                                  focus_scenario_ids = focus_scenario_ids),
                    output_format = out_format,
                    quiet = quiet,

#' Launch the Scenario Explorer web application
#' Evaluator provides a simple Shiny-based web application for interactive
#'   exploration of simulation results. This allows a user to interactively
#'   review simulation output without generating an extensive report. For users
#'   comfortable with R, working directly with the result dataframes will usually
#'   be preferable, with the Explorer application provided as a bare-bones data
#'   exploration tool.
#' @param input_directory Location of input files to be read by \code{\link{read_quantitative_inputs}}.
#' @param results_directory Directory where the `simulations_results.rds` file is stored.
#' @param styles Optional full path to CSS file to override default styles.
#' @param intermediates_dir Location for intermediate knit files.
#' @param quiet `TRUE` to suppress printing of pandoc output.
#' @param ... Any other parameters to pass to \code{rmarkdown::run}.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return Invisible NULL.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' explore_scenarios("~/inputs", "~/results")
#' }
explore_scenarios <- function(input_directory = "~/evaluator/inputs",
                              results_directory = "~/evaluator/results",
                              styles = NULL,
                              intermediates_dir = tempdir(),
                              quiet = TRUE,
                              ...) {
  check_availability(c("rmarkdown", "shiny", "DT", "statip", "flexdashboard"),
                     func = "explore_scenarios")

  # figure out the correct style format to apply
  if (is.null(styles)) {
    styles <- system.file("rmd", "styles", "html-styles.css", package = "evaluator")
  icon <- system.file("rmd", "img", "evaluator_hex_48px.png", package = "evaluator")

  rmarkdown::run(system.file("explore_scenarios", "explore_scenarios.Rmd", package = "evaluator"),
                 #dir = file.path(basename(system.file("rmd", "explore_scenarios.Rmd", package = "evaluator")), ".."),
                 render_args = list(
                   output_options =  list(css = styles, favicon = icon,
                                          logo = icon),
                   intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
                   params = list(input_directory = input_directory,
                                 results_directory = results_directory),
                   quiet = quiet),

#' Launch OpenFAIR demonstration web application
#' A simple web application to demonstrate OpenFAIR modeling. This application
#'   allows a user to enter beta PERT parameters and run simulations to see the
#'   distribution of results, with high level summary statistics. As a demonstration
#'   application, only TEF, TC, DIFF, and LM parameters may be entered.
#' @param intermediates_dir Location for intermediate knit files.
#' @param quiet `TRUE` to suppress printing of pandoc output.
#' @return Invisible NULL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' openfair_example()
#' }
openfair_example <- function(intermediates_dir = tempdir(),
                             quiet = TRUE) {
  check_availability(c("rmarkdown", "shiny", "flexdashboard", "DT"),
                     func = "openfair_example")

  styles <- system.file("rmd", "styles", "html-styles.css", package = "evaluator")
  icon <- system.file("rmd", "img", "evaluator_hex_48px.png", package = "evaluator")

  rmarkdown::run(system.file("openfair_example", "openfair_example.Rmd",
                             package = "evaluator"),
                 render_args = list(output_options =  list(css = styles,
                                                           favicon = icon,
                                                           logo = icon),
                                    intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
                                    quiet = quiet

#' Launch a single page summary risk dashboard
#' Given the input files and the analysis summary file, create a basic one-
#'   page summary with an overview of the results per domain and scenario.
#'   Intended as a skeleton showing how the results could be displayed at an
#'   executive level.
#' @param input_directory Location of input files read by \code{\link{read_quantitative_inputs}}.
#' @param results_directory Directory where the `simulation_results.rds` file is located.
#' @param output_file Full path to the desired output file.
#' @param intermediates_dir Location for intermediate knit files.
#' @param quiet `TRUE` to suppress printing of pandoc output.
#' @param ... Any other parameters to pass to \code{rmarkdown::render}
#' @return Default return values of the \code{rmarkdown::render} function.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' risk_dashboard("~/inputs", "~/simulations")
#' }
risk_dashboard <- function(input_directory = "~/evaluator/inputs",
                           results_directory = "~/evaluator/results",
                           intermediates_dir = tempdir(),
                           quiet = TRUE,
                           ...) {
  check_availability(c("rmarkdown", "shiny", "flexdashboard", "forcats"),
                     func = "risk_dashboard")

  styles <- system.file("rmd", "styles", "html-styles.css", package = "evaluator")
  icon <- system.file("rmd", "img", "evaluator_hex_48px.png", package = "evaluator")

  rmarkdown::render(system.file("rmd", "risk_dashboard.Rmd", package = "evaluator"),
                    output_options =  list(css = styles, favicon = icon, logo = icon),
                    output_file = output_file,
                    intermediates_dir = intermediates_dir,
                    params = list(input_directory = input_directory,
                                  results_directory = results_directory),
                    quiet = quiet,
davidski/evaluator documentation built on Jan. 31, 2022, 3:44 a.m.