TMB1964r | R Documentation |
The data comes from \insertCiteb21;textualsuperb. It is a near exact replication of the original study from \insertCitetmb64superb.
The design is a (7) x 4 with: 7 levels of stimulus duration (within-subject) and 4 between-subject conditions. Additional variables included in the reproduction is the primary language of the participant in which he/she participated (mainly francophones and anglophones; and the gender (mainly male and female).
An object of class data.frame.
options( = 'none') # shut down 'warnings' and 'design' interpretation messages
# general plot ignoring covariates sex and languages with only defaults
# We illustrate correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% confidence intervals of the mean
crange(T1, T7) ~ Condition,
WSFactors = "T(7)", # the within-subject factor (spanning 7 columns)
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotLayout = "line"
# We add directives for the error bars (thick), for the points (larger) and for the lines (thick)
plt <- superb(
crange(T1, T7) ~ Condition,
WSFactors = "T(7)",
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotLayout = "line",
errorbarParams = list(width = 0.5, linewidth=1.25, position = position_dodge(.5) ),
pointParams = list(size=2.5, position = position_dodge(.5)),
lineParams = list(linewidth=1.25)
# Additional directives to set manually the colors, shapes, thick marks and labels.
plt +
labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
values = c("blue", "black", "purple", "red")) +
labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
values = c("circle", "triangle", "square", "plus")) +
theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
labs(x = "Exposure duration (ms)", y = "Mean of correct responses",
colour = "Context length\n", shape = "Context length\n" ) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "16.67", "2" = "33.33",
"3"="50.00", "4" = "66.67", "5"="83.33", "6"="100.00", "7"="116.67"))
# Exploring three factors simultaneously: T, Condition and Sex (last two between-group)
crange(T1, T7) ~ Condition + Sex,
WSFactors = "T(7)", # the within-subject factor (spanning 7 columns)
adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
plotLayout = "line",
errorbarParams = list(linewidth=0.15, position = position_dodge(.5) ),
pointParams = list(size=2.5, position = position_dodge(.5)),
lineParams = list(linewidth=0.25)
) +
labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
values = c("blue", "black", "purple", "red")) +
labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
values = c("circle", "triangle", "square", "plus")) +
theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
labs(x = "Exposure duration (ms)", y = "Mean of correct responses",
colour = "Context length\n", shape = "Context length\n" ) +
scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "16.67", "2" = "33.33",
"3"="50.00", "4" = "66.67", "5"="83.33", "6"="100.00", "7"="116.67"))
#only keep 2 sex and 2 languages; the remaining cases are too sparse.
mee3 <- TMB1964r[(TMB1964r$Language != "I prefer not to answer")&TMB1964r$Language !="Other",]
### This last example is commented as CRAN servers are too slow
# advanced plots are available, such as pointjitter
# and pointjitterviolin : a plot that superimposes the distribution as a violin plot
# superb(
# crange(T1, T7) ~ Condition + Language,
# mee3,
# WSFactors = "T(7)",
# adjustments = list(purpose="difference", decorrelation="CM"),
# plotLayout = "pointjitterviolin",
# jitterParams = list(alpha = 0.4), #near transparent jitter points
# violinParams = list(alpha = 0.2)
#) +
#scale_fill_manual( name = "Amount of context",
# labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
# values = c("blue", "black", "purple", "red")) +
#scale_colour_manual( name = "Amount of context",
# labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
# values = c("blue", "black", "purple", "red")) +
#scale_shape_manual( name = "Amount of context",
# labels = c("Context 0", "Context 2", "Context 4", "Context 8"),
# values = c("circle", "triangle", "square", "cross")) +
#theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
#labs(x = "Exposure duration (ms)", y = "Mean of correct responses" )+
#scale_x_discrete(labels=c("1" = "16.67", "2" = "33.33",
# "3"="50.00", "4" = "66.67", "5"="83.33", "6"="100.00", "7"="116.67"))
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