
Defines functions symmetry_plot

Documented in symmetry_plot

#' Function creates a ggplot2 based symmetry plot from a vector of numeric values
#' Function orders the numeric vector from low to high. It then divides the data into two groups: values above
#' the median(u group) and values below the median(v group). The distances from the median for values
#' in each group are computed. A scatter plot is created where distances in the v group are plotted along
#' the x axis and distances from the v group are plotted along the y axis. If the upper and lower distance
#' data forms a straight line then the original data is perfectly symmetrical.
#' A reference symmetry line is also drawn. If points fall close to the line then the data is nearly
#' symmetric. If the data is left-skewed, then the points fall below the line. If the data is right
#' skewed, the points fall above the line.
#' Function returns a ggplot2 plot object of x/y scatter point distances from the median. Options are provided
#' for axis scaling and point labelling.
#' @param df The target data frame from which the distance from the median are plotted.
#' @param var_name A string that sets the variable name of interest from \code{df}. This is a required parameter.
#' @param position A string or function that does a slight adjustment to overlapping points.  Typical values are
#'  "jitter" or \code{position_jitter(width = 0.1, height = 0.1)}.
#' @param title A string that sets the plot title.
#' @param subtitle A string that sets the plot subtitle.
#' @param caption A string that sets the plot caption
#' @param center_titles A logical which if \code{TRUE} centers both the \code{title} and \code{subtitle}.
#' @param x_title A string that sets the x axis title. If NULL (the default) then the x axis title does not appear.
#' @param y_title A string that sets the y axis title. If NULL (the default) then the y axis title does not appear.
#' @param hide_x_tics A logical that controls the appearance of the x axis tics.
#' @param hide_y_tics A logical that controls the appearance of the y axis tics.
#' @param rot_x_tic_angle A numeric that sets the angle of rotation for the x tic labels. When x tic labels are long,
#'  a value of 40 for this argument usually works well.
#' @param rot_y_tic_label A logical which if TRUE rotates the y tic labels 90 degrees for enhanced readability.
#' @param x_limits Sets the minimum and maximum for the x axis.
#' @param x_major_breaks A numeric vector or function that defines
#'  the exact major tic locations along the x axis.
#' @param x_minor_breaks A numeric vector or function that defines
#'  the exact minor tic locations along the x axis.
#' @param x_labels A character vector with the same length as \code{x_major_breaks}, that labels the major tics.
#' @param y_limits A numeric 2 element vector that sets the minimum and maximum for the y axis.
#' @param y_major_breaks A numeric vector or function that defines the exact major tic locations along the y axis.
#' @param y_minor_breaks A numeric vector or function that defines the exact minor tic locations along the y axis.
#' @param y_labels A character vector with the same length as \code{y_major_breaks}, that labels the major tics.
#' @param x_y_decimals A two element numeric vector that set the number of decimals for the x and y tic labels.
#' @param x_y_scientific A two element logical vector that if TRUE uses scientific notation for the x and y tic labels.
#' @param axis_text_size A numeric that sets the font size along the axis'. Default is 11.
#' @param pts_color A string that sets the color attribute of the points.
#' @param pts_fill A string that sets the fill color attribute of the points.
#' @param pts_shape A numeric integer that sets the shape attribute of the points. Typical values are 21 \dQuote{circle},
#'  22 \dQuote{square}, 23 \dQuote{diamond}, 24 \dQuote{up triangle}, 25 \dQuote{down triangle}.
#' @param pts_stroke A numeric that sets the drawing stroke  width attribute for a point shape.
#' @param pts_size A numeric value that sets the size attribute of the points.
#' @param pts_alpha A numeric value that sets the alpha level attribute of points.
#' @param line_width A numeric value that sets the width of the symmetry line.
#' @param line_color A string that sets the color of the symmetry line.
#' @param line_alpha A numeric that sets the alpha of the symmetry line.
#' @param line_linetype A string that sets the symmetry line type \code{twodash, solid, longdash, dotted, dotdash,
#'  dashed, blank}.
#' @param show_major_grids A logical that controls the appearance of major grids.
#' @param show_minor_grids A logical that controls the appearance of minor grids.
#' @param panel_color A string in hexidecimal or color name that sets the plot panel's color.
#'   The default is "white".
#' @param panel_border_color A string in hexidecimal or color name that sets the plot panel's border color.
#'   The default is "black".
#' @import ggplot2
#' @return A plot object
#' @author Rick Dean
#' @export
symmetry_plot <- function(
  position = position_jitter(width = 0.0, height = 0.0),
  title = NULL,
  subtitle = NULL,
  caption = NULL,
  center_titles = FALSE,
  x_title = "V",
  y_title = "U",
  hide_x_tics = FALSE,
  hide_y_tics = FALSE,
  rot_x_tic_angle = 0,
  rot_y_tic_label = FALSE,
  x_limits = NULL,
  x_major_breaks = waiver(),
  x_minor_breaks = waiver(),
  x_labels = waiver(),
  y_limits = NULL,
  y_major_breaks = waiver(),
  y_minor_breaks = waiver(),
  y_labels = waiver(),
  x_y_decimals = NULL,
  x_y_scientific = NULL,
  axis_text_size = 11,
  pts_fill = "black",
  pts_shape = 21,
  pts_stroke = 1.0,
  pts_color = "black",
  pts_size = 1.0,
  pts_alpha = 1.0,
  line_width = 0.6,
  line_color = "blue",
  line_alpha = 0.7,
  line_linetype = "solid",
  show_major_grids = TRUE,
  show_minor_grids = TRUE,
  panel_color = "white",
  panel_border_color = "black"
  # -----------------Set geom attribute default values---------------
      size = pts_size,
      fill = pts_fill,
      shape = pts_shape,
      stroke = pts_stroke,
      color = pts_color,
      alpha = pts_alpha

   # -------------------Define the main ggplot2 plot object/geoms-----------
  vals <- sort(df[[var_name]])
  M <- median(vals)
  n <- length(vals)
  n_1 <- n/2
  if(n %% 2 != 0){
    n_1 <- n_1 + 1

  u <- rev(vals[(n_1+1):n] - M)
  v <- M - vals[1:n_1]

  median_diff_df <- data.frame(
    v = v,
    u = u

  aplot <- ggplot(
    data = median_diff_df,
      x = v,
      y = u,
  aplot <- aplot +
      position = position

  # -------------------Additional ggplot2 components------------------------
  # ----------------------title and subtitle-----------------
  if(center_titles) {
    aplot <- aplot +
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, size = 20),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = .5, size = 14)
  }else {
    aplot <- aplot +
        plot.title = element_text(size = 20),
        plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 14)
  aplot <- aplot + labs(title = title, subtitle = subtitle, caption = caption)

  # --------------------panel and grids---------------------
  aplot <- aplot +
      panel.background = element_rect(fill = panel_color, color = panel_border_color, size = 2)

    aplot <- aplot +
        panel.grid.major = element_line(size = 0.5, linetype = "solid", color = "gray")
    aplot <- aplot +
        panel.grid.minor = element_line(size = 0.5, linetype = "solid", color = "gray")

  # -------------------rotate/size tic labels--------------------
    rot_y_tic_angle <- 0
    rot_y_tic_angle <- 90
  aplot <- aplot +
      axis.text.x = element_text(size = axis_text_size, color = "black"),
      axis.title.x = element_text(size = axis_text_size + 2, color = "black"),
      axis.text.y = element_text(size = axis_text_size, color = "black", angle = rot_y_tic_angle),
      axis.title.y = element_text(size = axis_text_size + 2, color = "black")
  if(rot_x_tic_angle > 0){
    aplot <- aplot +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = rot_x_tic_angle, hjust = 1.0))

  # --------------------x/y axis titles------------------------
  if(is.null(x_title)) {
    aplot <- aplot +
        axis.title.x = element_blank()
    aplot <- aplot +
      labs(x = x_title)
  if(is.null(y_title)) {
    aplot <- aplot +
        axis.title.y = element_blank()
    aplot <- aplot +
      labs(y = y_title)

  # -------------------axis tic scaling------------------
  # define function for formatting decimals
  fmt_decimals <- function(decimals=0, sci=FALSE){
    function(x) {format(x,nsmall = decimals,scientific=sci)}

  if(!is.null(x_y_decimals) | !is.null(x_y_scientific)) {
      x_y_decimals <- c(0,0)
      x_y_scientific <- c(FALSE, FALSE)

    aplot <- aplot + scale_x_continuous(
      limits = x_limits,
      breaks = x_major_breaks,
      minor_breaks = x_minor_breaks,
      labels = fmt_decimals(x_y_decimals[[1]], x_y_scientific[[1]])
  }else {
    aplot <- aplot + scale_x_continuous(
      limits = x_limits,
      breaks = x_major_breaks,
      minor_breaks = x_minor_breaks,
      labels = x_labels

  # ---------------y axis tic scaling-------------------
  if(!is.null(x_y_decimals) | !is.null(x_y_scientific)) {
      x_y_decimals <- c(0,0)
      x_y_scientific <- c(FALSE, FALSE)

    aplot <- aplot + scale_y_continuous(
      limits = y_limits,
      breaks = y_major_breaks,
      minor_breaks = y_minor_breaks,
      labels = fmt_decimals(x_y_decimals[[2]], x_y_scientific[[2]])
  }else {
    aplot <- aplot + scale_y_continuous(
      limits = y_limits,
      breaks = y_major_breaks,
      minor_breaks = y_minor_breaks,
      labels = y_labels

  # -----------------------hide x/y axis tics?----------------------
    aplot <- aplot +
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
    aplot <- aplot +
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank()

  # -----------------add symmetry reference line----------------
  aplot <- aplot + ggplot2::geom_abline(
    linewidth = line_width,
    color = line_color,
    alpha = line_alpha,
    linetype = line_linetype

deandevl/RplotterPkg documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 8:02 p.m.