deisygysi/wTO: Computing Weighted Topological Overlaps (wTO) & Consensus wTO Network

Computes the Weighted Topological Overlap with positive and negative signs (wTO) networks given a data frame containing the mRNA count/ expression/ abundance per sample, and a vector containing the interested nodes of interaction (a subset of the elements of the full data frame). It also computes the cut-off threshold or p-value based on the individuals bootstrap or the values reshuffle per individual. It also allows the construction of a consensus network, based on multiple wTO networks. The package includes a visualization tool for the networks. More about the methodology can be found at <arXiv:1711.04702>.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorDeisy Morselli Gysi, Andre Voigt, Tiago Miranda Fragoso, Eivind Almaas and Katja Nowick.
MaintainerDeisy Morselli Gysi <>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
deisygysi/wTO documentation built on May 25, 2022, 2:46 a.m.