Man pages for dempsey-CMAR/tgc
Thermal Growth Coefficient Model for Aquaculture

apply_dd_filtersApply filters to prepare data for degree-day calculation
calc_modeExtract the most common value in a vector
calculate_event_durationCalculate the duration of time VALUE exceeds a threshold...
check_for_data_gapsCheck for substantial gaps in the time series
count_degree_daysCount number of degree-days
count_growing_daysCount number of days that were suitable for growth
count_max_event_daysCount the maximum number of days VALUE exceeds a threshold...
create_station_labelAssign a label in the form Station Name Long Season
filter_in_growing_seasonsKeep observations that occur during growing seasons
filter_in_growing_seasons_singleKeep observations that occur during growing seasons
filter_out_heat_stress_eventsFilter out observations that occur during heat stress events
filter_out_heat_stress_events_singleFilter out observations that occur during heat stress events
identify_first_superchillIdentify when VALUE first crosses below a threshold
identify_growing_seasonsIdentify start and end of growing seasons for each year
identify_heat_stress_eventsIdentify start and end of non-overlapping heat stress events
identify_heat_stress_intervalsIdentify n-hour intervals beginning when a threshold is...
identify_trending_upIdentify when VALUE begins trending up
plot_degree_daysPlot degree days at depth for each season start date
plot_filtered_dataPlot filtered data with removed data greyed out
plot_temperature_at_depthPlot temperature coloured by depth
string_dataExample temperature data
TGC_calculate_coefficentCalculate the thermal growth coefficient
TGC_calculate_degree_daysUse TGC model to calculate degree days required to grow from...
TGC_calculate_final_weightCalculate final body weight using TGC model
TGC_calculate_initial_weightCalculate initial body weight using TGC model
dempsey-CMAR/tgc documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 6:45 p.m.