Man pages for denis-chabot/fishMO2
Calculate and Plot SMR, O2crit and SDA, and convert between oxygen units

addSMRAdd SMR to an existing plot of oxygen uptake values as a...
calcO2critCalculate the critical oxygen level (O2crit) of a fish or...
calcSDACalculate Specific Dynamic Action for a fish or aquatic...
calcSMRCalculates SMR using different methods,
codSDAOxygen uptake data from a juvenile Atlantic cod before and...
convO2concConversion between oxygen concentration units.
drawNightsShow night time on an existing plot.
fishMO2-packageCalculate and plot the standard metabolic rate (SMR), the...
GrHalO2critOxygen uptake data from an adult Greenland halibut to...
makeO2labMake a formatted label for oxygen uptake (MO2), SDA or oxygen...
myTZsList of time zones.
NCalculates the number of non-missing values
plotMO2Plot oxygen uptake values as a function of time.
plotMO2fdisProduce a histogram of the frequency distribution of oxygen...
plotO2critPlot oxygen uptake values as a function of dissolved oxygen...
plotR2Make 3 plots involving the $"R"^2$ for each MO2 measurement...
plotSDAAdd SDA fit and SDA parameters to an existing plot of oxygen...
po2Pressure of dissolved oxygen in air or water
SitesList of lat-long for known sites.
solO2Solubility of oxygen in fresh- and seawater
wvpWater vapor pressure as a function of water temperature and...
denis-chabot/fishMO2 documentation built on July 16, 2020, 1:53 a.m.