
#' @title connect_boursorama
#' @description
#' connect to the boursorama bank webpage
#' @param driver a \code{\link[=RSelenium]{remoteDriver}} object
#' @param account_number
#' an integer corresponding to the cient account number
#' @param password
#' an integer corresponding to the password which connect to the account
#' @return
#' The webpage get after the submit request
#' @importFrom base64enc base64decode
#' @importFrom plyr alply
#' @importFrom purrr map map_chr map_int
#' @importFrom rvest html_attr html_attrs html_nodes
#' @importFrom stringr fixed str_replace
#' @importFrom png readPNG
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
connect_boursorama <- function(driver, account_number, password) {


  # Find element where to put the account_number and print it
  webelem <- driver$findElements("id", "form_login")[[1]]

  # rvest is easier to work with, so we fetch the html source
  page_source <- driver$getPageSource()[[1]]

  # A number is associated with a key of 3 letters which will be passed
  key <- page_source %>%
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(".sasmap__key") %>%
    html_attrs() %>%
    map_chr(~ .x[2])

  # Numbers are displayed as a png image (encoded in base64)
  # We need to fetch each image to determine to which number it corresponds
  image <- page_source %>%
    read_html() %>%
    html_nodes(".sasmap__key") %>%
    html_attr("style") %>%
    str_replace(fixed("background-image: url(data:image/png;base64,"), "") %>%
    str_replace(fixed("); -webkit-user-select: none; -webkit-user-drag: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);"), "") %>%
    map(base64decode) %>%
    map(readPNG) %>%
    # readPNG returns a 4 dimension array, each dimension being a color (+alpha)
    # alply is the equivalent of apply (apply(data, 3) means separate by array)
    map(alply, 3) %>%
    # add all colors together to get a one dimension array representing the image
    map(function(i) {
      i[[1]] + i[[2]] + i[[3]] + i[[4]]
    }) %>%
    # some noise exist on the png image
    map(~ replace(., . < 3.9, 0))

  # Compare each image to a model
  numbers <- image %>%
    # for each image, calculate the sum of the differences between the image and each modele images
    map(function(i) {
      x <- digits_boursorama_connexion %>%
        map(function(m) {
          sum(i - m)
        }) %>%
      # Indexes of the modele's images correspond to the number they represent.
      x <- which(abs(x) == min(abs(x)))
      ifelse(x == 10, 0, ifelse(x == 11, NA, x))
    }) %>%

  # Numbers in the website are not displayed in order, so we need to find this order
  split_code <- strsplit(as.character(password), "")[[1]] %>% as.numeric()
  index <- map_int(split_code, function(i) which(numbers == i))

  # For each number of the code, we can click on the right image
  webElem <- driver$findElements("class", "sasmap__key")
  for (elem in index) {

  # Finally, we submit the page
  webElem <- driver$findElements("css selector", ".button.button--lg")[[1]]
denrou/budgetmanager documentation built on May 15, 2019, 3:26 a.m.