
Defines functions discoal_sim

Documented in discoal_sim

#' discoal_sim function
#' @param mu mutation rate per base per generation. Warning! Check this again later in the discoal manual!
#' @param recomb_rate The recombination rate per base per generation
#' @param Ne The effective population size
#' @param nSites The number of bases to simulate per genome
#' @param samplesize Number of samples to take from the population
#' @param s selection coefficient for the selected mutation
#' @param discoal_path path to your discoal program
#' @param fix_generation number of generations ago when the selected mutation was fixed
#' @param sweep the kind of selective sweep. Input "hard" or "neutral"
#' @param seed vector of 2 numbers used for the simulations
#' @return an object of class sim_obj. Here are the features. cmd is the command. Seeds: the seeds used in the discoal simulation.
#' num_seg: number of segregating sites in the sampled population. pos: vector of the positions of every seg site (infinite sites model)
#' sweep: the kind of selective sweep modelled. s: the selection coefficient
#' @export
#' @examples sim<-discoal_sim(mu=mu,recomb_rate=recomb_rate,Ne=Ne,nSites=nSites,samplesize=samplesize,s=s,discoal_path=discoal_path,fix_generation=fix,sweep=sweep)
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%


  #setting up params for discoal command. Discoals has to scale mutation, recombination rates and selection coefficient by Ne.
  #source: Kern 2017 "discoal-a coalescent simulator with selection"

  alpha=(2*Ne*s) %>% no_scientific() #scaled strength of selection
  theta=(4*Ne*mu*nSites) %>% no_scientific() #scaled mutation rate
  rho=(4*Ne*recomb_rate) %>% no_scientific() # recomb_rate is the probability of a cross over per basepair of sequence being modelled.
  tau= (fix_generation/(4*Ne)) %>% no_scientific() #scaled time for fixation

  #we will just do one simulation at a time for now. Modify at a later date.

  #generate discoal command
  if( missing(seed) ){
    cmd=paste(discoal_path, no_scientific(samplesize), nrep,no_scientific(nSites),"-t",
              theta, "-r", rho)
  } else {

    #normally we won't input seeds. This is mainly for testing purposes.

    cmd=paste(discoal_path, no_scientific(samplesize), nrep,no_scientific(nSites),"-t",
              theta, "-r", rho,"-d", no_scientific(seed[1]), no_scientific(seed[2]))

  #continue fixing this bit
  if (sweep=="hard"){
    cmd=paste(cmd,"-a", alpha,"-ws", tau)

    cmd=paste(cmd,"-wn", tau)

  #run discoal command and save output
  #discoal has the same output format as Hudson's ms. https://snoweye.github.io/phyclust/document/msdoc.pdf.
  #The command is followed by 2 random seeds.
  sim=system(cmd,intern = T)

  #extract the random seeds

  #str_extract_all(seeds, "[0-9]+")[[1]] retrieves the numbers and returns a list of 1, the + means you have a bunch of digits following
  #as.numeric then coerces it into a numeric vector of 2 elements
  #sim[2]: the second row of the sim always gives the 2 seeds

  seeds=as.numeric(str_extract_all(sim[2], "[0-9]+")[[1]])

  #extract the number of segregating sites

  #substr(sim,1,3) gives first 3 characters of each line in sim
  #sim[substr(sim,1,3)=="seg"] gives the line with "seg"
  segsites=as.numeric(gsub(pattern="segsites:",replacement ="",sim[substr(sim,1,3)=="seg"]))

    return("Simulation produced no segregating sites")

  #extract the positions of the segregating sites. In the infinite sites model, all positions are between 0,1

  positions=gsub(pattern="positions:",replacement ="",sim[substr(sim,1,5)=="posit"])
  #coerce the positions into numeric vector
  positions=as.numeric(str_extract_all(positions, "[0-9]\\.[0-9]+")[[1]])

  #extract genome matrix

  #the genome matrix starts right after the positions line

  #small function to take a row of genome matrix (character vector) and returns numeric vector
  string_grab<-function(s) {as.numeric(strsplit(s, split="")[[1]])}
  #use string_grab to take all the rows of the genome matrix. Transponse it as discoal displays
  #each individual as a row
  genome_matrix<-t(sapply(sim[start:end],string_grab,USE.NAMES = FALSE))

#  return(list(cmd,seeds,segsites,positions,genome_matrix))

#pluck command, purr
deponent-verb/popgen.stats documentation built on Nov. 4, 2019, 10:26 a.m.