#' Returns a hydrograph of observed and simulated data and includes
#' precipitation for the same time period
#' @param df Dataframe of 4 coulmns in this specific order: 1.Time/Date 2.Simulated streamflow 3.Observed streamflow 4.Precipitation
#' @param units units of the data
#' @export
plot_hydrograph <- function(df, units = "mm"){
nse_val = signif(NSeff_function(df[,3],df[,2]),2)
kge_val = signif( hydroGOF::KGE(df[,3],df[,2]),2)
R2_val = signif(R2_function(df[,3],df[,2]),2)
maxSF1 = max(df[,2], na.rm = T)
maxSF2 = max(df[,3], na.rm = T)
maxSF = max(c(maxSF1, maxSF2))
maxPR = max(df[,4], na.rm = T)
par(mar = c(4, 4, 3, 4) + 0.1, xpd=TRUE)
plot(df[,1], df[,2],
type = 'l', lwd=1.2, col = "red",
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
ylim = c(0, 1.3 * maxSF),
xlab = "Time",
ylab = paste("Streamflow(", units, ")", sep = " "),
main = paste0("NSE:", nse_val, " ",
"KGE:", kge_val, " ",
"RSq:", R2_val, " "), cex.main = 0.9)
lines(df[,1], df[,3], col = "black")
legend("right", legend=c("Qsim", "Qobs"),
col=c("red", "black"), cex=1, lty = 1,bty = "n",
text.col = "black",
xjust = 1,
x.intersp = 0.25,
y.intersp = 1)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x =df[,1], y = rep(0, nrow(df)),
type = "n", ylim = c(5 * maxPR, 0),
xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",
axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
segments(x0 = df[,1], y0 = rep(0, nrow(df)),
x1 = df[,1], y1 = df[,4],
lend = 2, lwd =1, col = "blue")
yrAxis <- seq(0, ceiling(maxPR), length.out = 5)
axis(4, at = yrAxis, labels = paste0(yrAxis))
mtext(paste("Precip(", units,")"), side = 4, line = 2, adj = 1)
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