#' Reads and processes Channel water balance file
#'This function reads the channel water balance file and returns
#'a dataframe of simulated variables in depth units
#' @param chanwb_path A string pointing to the location of
#' the channel water balance file
#' @param Wshed_Area_m2 Area of the simulated watershed in m2
#' @return A Channel water balace dataframe including streamflow in dpeth units
#' @export
process_chanwb <- function(chanwb_path, Wshed_Area_m2){
## read channel and watershed water and sediment data
chanwb <- read.table(chanwb_path, skip = 11, header = F)
### set names of the dataframes
colnames(chanwb) <- c("Year_chan", "Day_chan", "Elmt_ID_chan","Chan_ID_chan", "Inflow_chan", "Outflow_chan",
"Storage_chan", "Baseflow_chan", "Loss_chan", "Balance_chan")
chanwb <- chanwb %>% dplyr::mutate(Q_outlet_mm = (Outflow_chan/ Wshed_Area_m2 *1000),
originDate = as.Date(paste0(Year_chan, "-01-01"),tz = "UTC") - lubridate::days(1),
Date = as.Date(Day_chan, origin = originDate, tz = "UTC"),
WY = EflowStats::get_waterYear(Date)) %>% dplyr::select(-originDate) %>%
dplyr::select(Year_chan, Day_chan, Date, WY, everything())
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