
Defines functions get_surface.cpr_cn get_surface

Documented in get_surface

#' Get Surface
#' Get Two-Dimensional Control Net and Surface from n-dimensional Control Nets
#' @param x a \code{cpr_cn} object
#' @param margin an integer identifying the marginal of the control net to slice
#' along.  Only used when working \code{x} is a \code{cpr_cn} object.
#' @param at point value for marginals not defined in the \code{margin}.  Only
#' used when \code{x} is a \code{cpr_cn} object.  Expected input is a list of
#' length \code{length(attr(x, "bspline_list"))}.  Entries for elements
#' \code{marginal} are ignored.  If omitted, the midpoint between the boundary
#' knots for each marginal is used.
#' @param n the length of sequence to use for interpolating the spline function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_spline}}
#' @return a list with two elements
#' \describe{
#' \item{cn}{the control net}
#' \item{surface}{a data.frame with three columns to define the surface}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## Extract the control net and surface from a cpr_cn object.
#' a_cn <- cn(log10(pdg) ~ btensor(list(day, age, ttm)
#'            , df = list(15, 3, 5)
#'            , bknots = list(c(-1, 1), c(45, 53), c(-9, -1))
#'            , order = list(3, 2, 3))
#'            , data = spdg)
#' cn_and_surface <- get_surface(a_cn, n = 50)
#' str(cn_and_surface, max.level = 2)
#' old_par <- par()
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' with(cn_and_surface$cn,
#'      plot3D::persp3D(unique(Var1),
#'                      unique(Var2),
#'                      matrix(z,
#'                             nrow = length(unique(Var1)),
#'                             ncol = length(unique(Var2))),
#'                      main = "Control Net")
#'      )
#' with(cn_and_surface$surface,
#'      plot3D::persp3D(unique(Var1),
#'                      unique(Var2),
#'                      matrix(z,
#'                             nrow = length(unique(Var1)),
#'                             ncol = length(unique(Var2))),
#'                      main = "Surface")
#'      )
#' par(old_par)
#' }
#' @export
get_surface <- function(x, margin = 1:2, at, n = 100) {

#' @export
get_surface.cpr_cn <- function(x, margin = 1:2, at, n = 100) {
  if (missing(at)) {
    at <- lapply(lapply(x$bspline_list, attr, which = "bknots"), mean)
  dfs    <- sapply(x$bspline_list, ncol)
  bknots <- lapply(x$bspline_list, attr, which = "bknots")
  iknots <- lapply(x$bspline_list, attr, which = "iknots")
  orders <- lapply(x$bspline_list, attr, which = "order")

  # The control net
  xvecs <- lapply(x$bspline_list, attr, which = "xi_star")
  xvecs <- lapply(xvecs, function(x) {
                    x[length(x)] <- x[length(x)] - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
  xvecs[-margin] <- at[-margin]
  net <- do.call(expand.grid, xvecs)

  tensors <-
    Map(function(x, ...) {
          do.call(btensor, list(x = unname(x), iknots = iknots, bknots = bknots, order = orders))
        x = lapply(split(net, row(net)[, 1]), lapply, unname)
        MoreArgs = list(iknots = iknots,
                        bknots = bknots,
                        order = orders)

  net$z <- do.call(c, Map(`%*%`, x = tensors,
                          MoreArgs = list(y = x$cn$theta)))

  # the surface
  xvecs <- lapply(bknots, function(x) seq(x[1], x[2] - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), length = 100))
  xvecs[-margin] <- at[-margin]
  surface <- do.call(expand.grid, xvecs)
  tensors <-
    Map(function(x, ...) {
          do.call(btensor, list(x = unname(x), iknots = iknots, bknots = bknots, order = orders))
        x = lapply(split(surface, row(surface)[, 1]), lapply, unname)
        MoreArgs = list(iknots = iknots,
                        bknots = bknots,
                        order = orders)
  surface$z <- do.call(c, Map(`%*%`, x = tensors,
                              MoreArgs = list(y = x$cn$theta)))

  list(cn      = net[c(margin, ncol(net))],
       surface = surface[c(margin, ncol(net))])
dewittpe/cpr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:11 p.m.