knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE)

The sccm package provides some tools for working with two-dimensional polygons, especially convex hulls, and mapping the data within these polygons/convex hulls to other polygons via Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mappings.

Acknowledgements: I would be remiss to not acknowledge two other R packages which greatly influenced the design of the sccm package.

The Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mappings are well described in

Corresponding FORTRAN libraries are available from SCPACK:

The particular set of functions provided by the sccm package are a minimum set of tools needed to map 2D data to a pre-defined support for regression models. The details and examples of the regression models are part of Peter DeWitt's Ph.D. dissertation. More details on this can be found in the (soon to be released cpr package.


# Required packages to re-create the following examples

Data Sets

There are two data sets provided in the sccm package. These data sets are provided to help illustrate the conformal mappings.


A circular drawing by M.C. Escher, has been provided as a data.frame. See ?CircleLimitI for more information.


plot(CircleLimitI[, c("x", "y")],
     asp = 1,
     col = cut(CircleLimitI$value, breaks = 2),
     pch = ".", cex = 3)


Another M.C. Escher drawing, useful for showing the mapping between a polygon and the unit disk or another polygon. See ?HexagonalFish for more details.

plot(HexagonalFish[, c("x", "y")],
     asp = 1,
     col = cut(HexagonalFish$value, breaks = 2),
     pch = ".", cex = 3)

Coordinate Translation

There are two functions provided to make it easy to move between Cartesian and polar coordinates:

  1. polar2cartesian(r, theta) and
  2. cartesian2polar(x, y).

These function are based on the relationship $$(x, y) = (r \cos(\theta), r \sin(\theta)).$$

Both functions expect that the inputs are numeric vectors of equal length or, if one input is length 1, it will be repeated to match the length of the other input. Examples below

# return the Cartesian coordinates of the point on the unit circle with and
# angle of 2 pi/ 3
cart <- polar2cartesian(r = 1, theta = 2 * pi / 3)
all.equal(cart, matrix(c(-0.5, sqrt(3) / 2), nrow = 1)

# Return a disk of a given radius, or a radii of a
disk3 <- polar2cartesian(r = 3, theta = seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 500L))
disk4 <- polar2cartesian(r = 4, theta = seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 500L))
radii <- polar2cartesian(r = seq(0, 4, length = 100L), theta = 0.75 * pi)

plot(disk4, col = "black", asp = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "")
points(disk3, col = "red")
points(radii, col = "blue")

cartesian2polar translates an $(x, y)$ Cartesian coordinates to $(r, \theta)$ polar coordinates.

cartesian2polar(-0.5, sqrt(3)/2)
all.equal(cartesian2polar(-0.5, sqrt(3)/2),
          matrix(c(1, 2 * pi / 3), nrow = 1))

Polygons and Convex Hulls

The conformal mappings will require the use of polygons. The functions sccm::polygon and sccm::convex_hull are provided to make defining the polygons easy. The function is_in determines if a given point is either inside, on an edge, or outside of a given polygon.


The expected input for polygon are two numeric vectors, or a matrix, or a data.frame. Any R object that can be coerced into a two column matrix could be passed to sccm::polygon.

For the set of vertices $\left{ (1, -1), (1, 0), (2, 2), (3, -2) \right}$ the polygon is defined via:

pg <- polygon(x = c( 1, 1, 2,  3),
              y = c(-1, 0, 2, -2))





pg is a sccm_pg object. This object returns the vertices entered, in order as entered, as a $n \times 2$ matrix. The beta element are the exterior angles at each vertex. These exterior angles are determine by the atan2 function. atan2(y, x) is similar to atan(y / x) only that the former considers the sign of both $y$ and $x$ to determine the quadrant and return the angel from origin between 0 and $2\pi,$ whereas the later returns an angle between $-\pi/2$ and $\pi/2.$

$$\beta_{j} = \text{atan2} \left( \overrightarrow{v_{j-1}v_{j}} \times \overrightarrow{v_{j}v_{j+1}}, \overrightarrow{v_{j-1}v_{j}} \cdot \overrightarrow{v_{j}v_{j+1}}\right)$$

The cross product of the vectors by the dot product provides the needed inputs for determining the exterior angle of each vertex.

It is important to note that sccm::polygon returns the vertices of the polygon in the same order as they inputted. For the conformal mappings we will need the vertices to be entered in anti-clockwise order. The user is expected to determine the correct sequence when constructing a polygon.

To illustrate the ordering of the vertices we will construct a five pointed star polygon.

star <-
  rbind(polar2cartesian(1.0, seq(0, 1.6, by = 0.4) * pi),
        polar2cartesian(0.5, seq(0.2, 1.8, by = 0.4) * pi))


Notice that the vertices on the unit disk are listed before the vertices on a disk of radius 0.5 and the plot reflex this. While the plot is a polygon, albeit an irregular polygon, it does not look like a star, a regular concave polygon. Next we will put the vertices in the correct order and generate a new plot. This star_pg polygon will be used in several examples to follow.

star <- star[rep(1:5, each = 2) + rep(c(0, 5), times = 5), ]
star_pg <- polygon(star)


A convex hull is the smallest convex envelop containing all the points of a set. The construction of these convex hulls is done via Andrew's Monotone Theorem, a $O(n log n)$ order algorithm. A brute force approach for finding convex hulls can be $O(n^3).$

The function convex_hull will accept a $n \times 2$ matrix or data.frame or two numeric vectors given the $(x, y)$ coordinates of the data. The function will then return the vertices of the convex hull along with the exterior angles at each vertices and the row index of the original data for each of the vertices. It is also worth noting that the origin data is returned within the list structure of sccm_ch objects.

xvec = runif(150)
yvec = 2 * xvec + rnorm(150)

ch <- convex_hull(xvec, yvec)





Using the mtcars data set, we can build a convex hull about the weight of vertices and the miles per gallon.

plot(convex_hull(mtcars[, c("mpg", "wt")]))
title(xlab = "MT Cars: MPG", ylab = "MT Cars: Weight")


This function tests if a polygon is a convex hull or not.

is_convex_hull(polygon(c(-1, -1, 1, 1), c(-1, 1, 1, -1)))  # clockwise square
is_convex_hull(polygon(c(-1, -1, 1, 1), c(1, -1, -1, 1)))  # anti-clockwise square


This function tests if a polygon is a convex hull and if so, are the vertices listed in anti-clockwise order. Note: by construction, sccm_ch objects have the vertices listed in anti-clockwise order.

is_anticlockwise(polygon(c(-1, -1, 1, 1), c(-1, 1, 1, -1)))  # clockwise square
is_anticlockwise(polygon(c(-1, -1, 1, 1), c(1, -1, -1, 1)))  # anti-clockwise square


The is_in function tests if a point is located on the inside, edge, or outside of a polygon. The implementation is based on the winding number algorithm.

# a point on an edge
xx <- 0.75
yy <- (diff(star_pg$vertices[1:2, 2]) / diff(star_pg$vertices[1:2, 1])) * (xx - star_pg$vertices[1, 1]) + star_pg$vertices[1, 2]

is_in(-0.4, 0.1, star_pg) # inside
is_in(0.5, -0.6, star_pg) # outside
is_in(xx, yy, star_pg)    # on an edge

# send a set of points to is_in
xcoords <- c(-0.4, 0.5, xx)
ycoords <- c(0.1, -0.6, yy)
is_in(xcoords, ycoords, star_pg)
summary(is_in(xcoords, ycoords, star_pg))

plot(star_pg, asp = 1)
points(-0.4, 0.1, pch = 16, col = "black") # inside
points(0.5, -0.6, pch = 16, col = "blue")  # outside
points(xx, yy,    pch = 16, col = "red")   # on an edge


Function rotates the vertices of a polygon/hull...

Schwarz-Christoffel Conformal Mappings

The Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mapping (SCCM) from the unit disk to a polygon are used by three functions:

  1. d2p for disk to polygon,
  2. p2d for polygon to disk (an inverse mapping), and
  3. p2p form one polygon to another via an (inverse) mapping from a polygon to the unit disk and a mapping from the disk to the other polygon.

Good references for mathemtatics and the FORTRAN program can be found at:

Disk to Polygon

Evaluation of the forward map $w(z)$ for the point $z$ in the unit disk or on the circumference thereof, requires the computation of the integral

$$w = w(z_0) + C \int\limits_{z_0}^{z} \prod\limits_{j=1}^{N} \left( 1 - \frac{\zeta}{z_j} \right)^{-\beta_j} \mathrm{d}\zeta.$$

The endpoint $z_0$ may be any point in the closed disk where $w(z_0)$ is known and finite. Additional detain is in Trefethen (1980).

The function d2p provides the mapping of .data from the unit disk to a given polygon, pg. By default, the function will map the unit disk to a square with vertices at (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1), and (-1, 1).


To illustrate this mapping we'll use the CircleLimitI data set.

The mapping object will contain the mapped data, the polygon the data was mapped into, the original data provided

circle_to_square <- d2p(CircleLimitI[, c("x", "y")])
str(circle_to_square, max.level = 1L)

Plotting the results is simple:

     col = cut(CircleLimitI$value, breaks = 2),
     pch = ".", cex = 3)

Mapping to any simple polygon is possible:

plot(d2p(CircleLimitI[, c("x", "y")], pg = star_pg),
     col = cut(CircleLimitI$value, breaks = 2),
     pch = ".", cex = 3)

Mapping the unit disk to the square and star shapes viewed with color disks:

color_disk <-
      mapply(function(r, theta) {cbind(sccm::polar2cartesian(r, theta), r)},
           r = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.1),
           MoreArgs = list(theta = seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 100L)),
           SIMPLIFY = FALSE),
      mapply(function(r, theta) {cbind(sccm::polar2cartesian(r, theta), r)},
             theta = seq(0, 2, by = 0.25) * pi,
             MoreArgs = list(r = seq(0, 0.99, length = 20L)),
             SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

color_disk_squared <- sccm::d2p(color_disk[, 1:2])
color_disk_stared  <- sccm::d2p(color_disk[, 1:2],
                                pg = sccm::polygon(star))

plot(color_disk_squared, col = cut(color_disk[, 3], breaks = 6), pch = ".", cex = 3)
plot(color_disk_stared,  col = cut(color_disk[, 3], breaks = 6), pch = ".", cex = 3)

Polygon to Disk

An inverse mapping taking two arguments, .data to map and the polygon containing the .data.

plot(p2d(HexagonalFish[, c("x", "y")]),
     col = cut(HexagonalFish$value, breaks = 2),
     pch = ".", cex = 3)

Polygon to Polygon

To map .data within polygon pg1 to another polygon pg2 use the function p2p. Default settings will map .data within its convex hull to the square with vertices at (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1), and (-1, 1).


Some examples:

square_fish <- p2p(HexagonalFish[, 1:2])
plot(square_fish, col = cut(HexagonalFish[, 3], breaks = 2))
star_fish <- p2p(HexagonalFish[, 1:2], pg2 = star_pg)
plot(star_fish, col = cut(HexagonalFish[, 3], breaks = 2))

dewittpe/sccm documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 5:25 p.m.