
Defines functions logistic.haz.to.prob logistic.haz.fn

# logistic hazard object

## logistic hazard fn
logistic.haz.fn <- function(theta, z) {

    alpha <- exp(theta[1])
    beta <- exp(theta[2])
    gamma <- exp(theta[3])
    delta <- exp(theta[4])

    ## NB: in kannisto '98 appendix d (appendix pg 13)
    ## there is a reparameterization; we're using the
    ## original parameterization here
    k <- exp(beta*z)
    res.num <- alpha*k
    res.denom <- 1 + (delta*k)
    res <- (res.num / res.denom) + gamma

    ## ensure only non-negative results are returned
    ## (hazards can't be negative)
    if ((any(is.na(res)) | any(res < 0))) {
      res[1:length(res)] <- NA



### NB: for now, the haz.fn argument does nothing -- it's just to ensure that
### the signature is the same for this function and for the one
### which performs the integral numerically
logistic.haz.to.prob <- function(haz.fn, theta, z) {

  alpha <- exp(theta[1])
  beta <- exp(theta[2])
  gamma <- exp(theta[3])
  delta <- exp(theta[4])

  k0 <- exp(beta*z)
  k1 <- exp(beta*(z+1))

  res <- gamma + (alpha/(beta*delta))*(log1p(delta*k1) - log1p(delta*k0))
  res <- 1 - exp(-res)



## logistic hazard fn implemented in c++
#logistic.haz.fn.cpp <- function(theta, z) {
#  res <- .Call("mortalityhazard_logistic_cpp", PACKAGE='mortfit', theta, z)
#  return(res)

### logistic hazard fn implemented in c++
#logistic.haz.to.prob.cpp <- function(haz.fn, theta, z) {
#  ## note that we don't need the first argument, haz.fn
#  res <- .Call("mortalityhazard_to_prob_logistic_cpp", PACKAGE='mortfit', theta, z)
#  return(res)

## these starting values have been updated based on preliminary analysis
logistic.haz   <- new("mortalityHazard",
                      #theta.default=c(-2.7117, -1.9032, -7.6, -1.5982),
                      theta.default=c(-2.7117, -1.9032, -8, -1.5982),
                      #                -1.9,
                      #                -25,
                      #                -1.7),
                      theta.range=list(c(-3.49, -2.6),
                                       c(-3, 1.1),
                                       c(log(1e-10), log(1e-2)),
                                       c(-3, 1.1)),
                      theta.start.fn=function(data.obj) {

                        ## choose starting values by getting b from
                        ## a logistic regression...
                        dat <- data.obj@data
                        crude <- dat$Dx/(dat$Nx-0.5*dat$Dx)

                        crude[crude > 1] <- .99999
                        crude[crude == 0] <- .000001

                        ## TODO -- we really should insist that the second
                        ##   parameter start off positive; otherwise, we have
                        ##   initially downward-sloping hazards

                        roughmod <- glm(crude ~ age,
                        fv <- fitted.values(roughmod)

                        mid <- mean(range(fv))
                        age.mid.idx <- which.min(abs(fv-mid))
                        age.mid <- dat$age[age.mid.idx]

                        ## hack to handle edge cases...
                        if(age.mid.idx==1) {
                          age.mid.idx <- 2
                        if(age.mid.idx==length(dat$age)) {
                          age.mid.idx <- age.mid.idx-1

                        ## this gives us a rough estimate of the slope
                        ## at the inflection point
                        inflect.slope <- (fv[age.mid.idx-1]+fv[age.mid.idx+1])/

                        ## NB: below, in the expressions for beta and
                        ## alpha, we should use max(crude) - gamma,
                        ## but we don't have an estimate of gamma yet, so
                        ## we'll just use max(crude)

                        ## starting value for beta
                        beta.init <- 4*inflect.slope/(max(crude))
                        if (beta.init < 0) {
                          beta.init <- 1e-5
                        } else if (beta.init >= .3) {
                          beta.init <- .3

                        ## starting value for delta
                        delta.init <- 1 / exp(beta.init*age.mid)

                        ## in some cases, where central death rates
                        ## look much more linear than sigmoid, initial delta parameter
                        ## is waaaay too small. so put a limit on how small it can be.
                        if (delta.init < exp(-3)) {
                          delta.init <- exp(-3)

                        ## starting value for alpha
                        alpha.init <- (max(crude))*delta.init

                        ## starting value for gamma
                        gamma.init <- min(crude[1:min(5,length(crude))]) -
                                          (alpha.init / (1 + delta.init))
                        #gamma.init <- min(crude[1:min(5,length(crude))]) -
                        #                  (alpha.init / (1 + alpha.init))

                        if (gamma.init <= 0) {
                          gamma.init <- 1e-10

                        return(c(log(alpha.init), log(beta.init),
                                 log(gamma.init), log(delta.init)))
                                                      #           -1.8,
                                                      #           -.00001,
                                                      #           -2.6),
dfeehan/mortfit documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 9:04 p.m.