qc.from.segstats.tables: Perform data quality check based on a segstats table.

View source: R/seg_stats.R

qc.from.segstats.tablesR Documentation

Perform data quality check based on a segstats table.


Determine subjects that potentially failed segmentation, based on segstats table data. The input table file must be a segmentation or parcellation table, generated by running the FreeSurfer tools 'aparcstats2table' or 'asegstats2table' for your subjects.


qc.from.segstats.tables(filepath_lh, filepath_rh, ...)



path to left hemisphere input file, a tab-separated file generated by running the FreeSurfer tools 'aparcstats2table' or 'asegstats2table'. The command line in the system shell would be something like 'aparcstats2table_bin –subjectsfile $subjects_file –meas $measure –hemi $hemi -t $aparc_output_table'.


path to equivalent right hemisphere input file.


parameters passed to qc.from.regionwise.df.


qc result as a hemilist, each entry contains a named list as returned by qc.from.regionwise.df.

dfsp-spirit/fsbrain documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 10:29 a.m.