vol.mask.from.segmentation: Extract subset from a volume by value.

View source: R/vis_volume.R

vol.mask.from.segmentationR Documentation

Extract subset from a volume by value.


Extract subset from a volume by value, set all other voxel values to 'NA'. Typically used to extract a brain structure (like corpus callosum) from a volume segmentation (like the 'mri/aseg.mgz' file of a subject). You should consider passing the volume and the include values as integers.


vol.mask.from.segmentation(volume, include_values)



numeric 3D array


numerical vector, the intensity values which qualify a voxel to be part of the result (without being set to NA)


numerical array with same dimensions as the input volume. All values which are not part of 'include_values' replaced with 'NA'.

dfsp-spirit/fsbrain documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 10:29 a.m.