
#' \code{omicplotR}
#' A Shiny app for visual exploration of omic datasets as
#'  compositions, and differential abundance analysis using ALDEx2. Useful for
#'  exploring RNA-seq, meta-RNA-seq, 16s rRNA gene sequencing and more with
#'  visualizations such as principal component analysis biplot (coloured using
#'  metadata for visualizing each variable), association plots (igraph),
#'  dendrograms and stacked bar plots, and effect plots (ALDEx2). Input is a
#'  table of counts and metadata file (if metadata exists), with options to
#'  filter data by count or by metadata to remove low counts, or to visualize
#'  select samples according to selected metadata. The Shiny app's graphical
#'  user interface facilitates visual exploration for new and experienced
#'  users of R alike.
#' @details To launch the \code{shiny} app in your default browser, type
#'  \code{omicplotr.run()}.
#' @author Daniel Giguere, Jean Macklaim, Greg Gloor
#' @seealso \code{\link{omicplotr.run}}
dgiguer/omicplotR_pkg documentation built on Nov. 18, 2019, 6:31 p.m.