# UAGRA R Scripts - Rcameratraps zzz.R
# startup functions for Rcameratraps package
# Note: <notes here>
# version 0.1
# created prea 20190502 moved startup functions here.
# updated prea 20190808 polished up code
# prea 20190513 added some more globals, which are evil but useful.
# You can learn more about package authoring with RStudio at:
# http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/
# Some useful keyboard shortcuts for package authoring:
# Build and Reload Package: 'Ctrl + Shift + B'
# Check Package: 'Ctrl + Shift + E'
# Test Package: 'Ctrl + Shift + T'
#### create a package environment to store some globals
.pkgOptions <- new.env(hash=FALSE, parent=emptyenv())
#### get/set options
.getOption <- function(optname) {
get0(optname, envir=.pkgOptions)
.setOption <- function(optname, optvalue) {
assign(optname, optvalue, envir=.pkgOptions)
#### package initialization (attach)
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
packageStartupMessage("\nThis is cameratraps ", packageVersion('cameratraps'), ".\n")
#### package initialization (load)
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
# packageStartupMessage calls have been silenced, see ?.onAttach, "Good practice" section
# startup messages must go in .onAttach
# packageStartupMessage("This is package cameratraps\n")
#### Define some package-level globals.
#### Globals are ugly.
#### Globals can be accessed with get(<option name>, envir=.pkgOptions)
.setOption('catalog', NULL) # this is the _whole_ in-memory catalog
.setOption('catalogFileName', '.catalog.rds')
.setOption('catalogHasChanged', NULL) # "is dirty" flag, TRUE when the in-memory catalog has changed and should be written on disk
.setOption('catalogHasFilter', NULL) # if some filtering on the catalog data is present it will be stored here as a valid "[" (row-wise) expression
.setOption('EXIFTOOL', NULL)
# all 'known' file extensions must go here.
.setOption('known.extensions', c('AVI', 'avi', 'JPG', 'jpg', 'M4V', 'm4v', 'MOV', 'mov', 'MOD', 'mod', 'MP4', 'mp4'))
#.setOption('metadata', list()) #' @note list is by Site, should be refined better: if we store the whole catalog, storing metadata is useless
.setOption('metadataFileName', 'metadata.txt')
.setOption('repositoryPath', NULL)
#### place other initialization stuff here
# check for exiftool existence
# once done, exiftool path can be accessed using .getOption('EXIFTOOL')
exiftool <- Sys.which('exiftool')
if(exiftool!="") {
.setOption("EXIFTOOL", exiftool)
packageStartupMessage(" EXIFtool found in", exiftool, '\n')
} else {
msg <- "Error: exiftool not found. Please check and install it."
msg <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type=='windows', c(msg, " On Windows remember to place exiftool(-k).exe in C:\\WINDOWS, and to rename it as exiftool.exe."), msg)
#### End of File ####
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