
Defines functions cb_copyunix cb_paste cb_copy.table cb_copy.xtabs cb_copy.data.frame cb_copy.ftable is.tbl_df is.xtabs is.ftable

Documented in cb_copyunix cb_paste

#' Copy data.frames, tables, xtabs, ftables, tbl_df to clipboard prepared for MS Excel.
#' @param x: data.frame, table, xtabs, ftable or tbl_df.

cb_copy <-  function (x, ...) UseMethod('cb_copy', x);
is.ftable <- function(x, ...) inherits(x, "ftable");
is.xtabs <- function(x, ...) inherits(x, "xtabs");
is.tbl_df <- function(x, ...) inherits(x, "tbl_df");

cb_copy.ftable <- function(x, dec = ','){
  x_ftable = stats:::format.ftable(x, quote = F, dec = ",")
  x_ftable = apply(x_ftable,2,myutilities::trim)
  write.table2(x_ftable, "clipboard-128", dec = dec, sep = "\t", 
              na = "", col.names = F, row.names = F, quote = F)

cb_copy.data.frame <- function(x, dec = ','){
  write.table(x, "clipboard-128", dec = dec, sep = "\t", 
              na = "", row.names = F, quote = F)

cb_copy.xtabs <- function(x, dec = ','){
  write.table(as.data.frame.matrix(x), "clipboard-128", 
              dec = dec, sep = "\t", na = "", col.names = NA, 
              quote = F)

cb_copy.table <- function(x, dec = ','){
  write.table(as.data.frame.matrix(x), "clipboard-128", 
              dec = dec, sep = "\t", na = "", col.names = NA, 
              quote = F)

#' Read excel table from clipboard.
cb_paste <- function(x, dec = ',', header = T){
  read.table("clipboard-128", dec = dec,
             sep="\t", header = header, na = '', 
             stringsAsFactors = F)

#' @title Copy an object in the clipboard
#' @description Copy an object in the clipboard
#' @param sep The object to copy.
#' @param sep A character to be used as separator for each column of the object
#' @param row.names  Copy row names (default is FALSE)
#' @param col.names Copy column names (default is TRUE)
#' @return copy the object as character in the clipboard
#' @author freecube source:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10959521/how-to-write-to-clipboard-on-ubuntu-linux-in-r

cb_copyunix <- function(x, sep="\t", dec = ',', row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE){
  con <- pipe("xclip -selection clipboard -i", open="w")
  write.table(x, con, sep=sep, dec = dec,row.names=row.names, col.names=col.names)
diegogarcilazo/myutilities documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 2:11 p.m.