## R wrapper around ssh and hdfs commandline tools to interact remote with a hadoop cluster via ssh
## - support simple file system query/summary operations
## - allow to up/download fractions of the HDFS space for automated consumption from interactive or batch R
## main idea:
## - assume that authentication is handled on ssh level via ssh keys or kerberos
##  -> no passwords or other credential in here, but all access fails if not autheticated already
## - interact via data frames as main data type
##  -> make it simple to use data.table, but do not require the package internally
## most of the package uses piped ssh execution to avoid local data copies
## remember: pipes need to be consumed & closed to avoid descriptor leaks
## -> the usual pattern would be eg:
## > readLines(ssh.pipe("ls"))

#' Execute a remote command via a ssh pipe
#' @param cmd command string to be executed on the remote shell
#' @param host hostname (or ssh config shortcut) to reach the remote execution host. defaults to localhost
#' @param user username on remote system
#' @param open.mode open mode for the pipe. defaults to text mode but can be changed with "rb" to read binary
#' @return an open pipe to the remote process.
#' @export
#' @examples readLines(ssh.pipe("ls", "analytix"))
ssh.pipe <- function(cmd, host="localhost", user="", open.mode="") {
    connect.str <- if (nchar(user)) paste0(user,"@", host) else host
    remote.cmd <- paste("ssh",connect.str, cmd)
    ## debug with: message("executing: ", remote.cmd)
    pipe(remote.cmd, open=open.mode)

#' Scan a directory and return relevant meta data as data frame
#' @param args arguments passed to hdfs dfs commandline
#' @param host remote execution host
#' @param user remote execution user
#' @return a data frame with the resulting file meta data per row
#' @export
#' @examples itmon <- hdfs.ls("-R /project/itmon")
hdfs.ls <- function(args, host="analytix", user=""){
  p <- ssh.pipe(paste("hdfs dfs -ls", args), host = host, user = user)
  df <- read.table(p,skip=1, col.names=c("perm","links", "user", "group", "size", "date", "time", "path"))

  ## convert to appropriate representation
  df$user  <- as.factor(df$user)
  df$group <- as.factor(df$group)
  df$mdate <- as.POSIXct(paste(df$date,df$time))

  ## drop a few fields which are not used yet
  df$date  <- NULL
  df$time  <- NULL
  df$links <- NULL


#' Report remote HDSF disk usage
#' @param args argument string passed to remote hdfs du command
#' @param host remote execution host
#' @param user remote execution user
#' @return return data frame with the raw and user disk volume per queried entity
#' @export
#' @examples hdfs.du("/project/awg")
hdfs.du <- function(args, host="analytix", user="") {
  p <- ssh.pipe(paste("hdfs dfs -du -s", args), host = host, user = user)
  df <- read.table(p, col.names=c("user.size","raw.size", "path"))


#' Copy a file from the remote HDSF area to the current directory
#' @param src.path source pathname in HDFS
#' @param host remote execution host
#' @param user remote execution user
#' @param dest.path local filename (defaults to remote file name)
#' @return nothing
#' @export
#' @examples hdfs.copyToLocal("results.txt")
hdfs.copyToLocal <- function(src.path, host="analytix", user="", dest.path=src.path)  {
  p <- ssh.pipe(paste("hdfs dfs -cat", src.path), host = host, user = user, open.mode="rb")

  ## open the pipe in binary mode
  dst <- file(dest.path,"wb")

  ## do a copy from the pipe in 16kB chunks
  buf.size <- 16*1024

  repeat {
    buf <- readBin(p, "raw", buf.size)

    ## until we did not get a full buffer
    if (length(buf) != buf.size){

#' send the content of a remote hdfs file via a pipe
#' @param src.path HDFS location of the source file
#' @param host remote host
#' @param user remote user
#' @return an open pipe to the data.
#' @export
#' @examples read.csv(hdfs.cat("input.txt"))
hdfs.cat <- function(src.path, host="analytix", user="") {
  ssh.pipe(paste("hdfs dfs -cat", src.path), host = host, user = user, open.mode="rb")
dirkduellmann/SsHDFS documentation built on May 15, 2019, 8:47 a.m.