Man pages for dkahle/algstat
Algebraic Statistics

abortionHaberman's Abortion, Education, and Religion Data
algstatalgstat: Algebraic Statistics in R
almAlgebraic least squares regression
AmakerDistance transitive matrix
array2tabArray to table conversion
birthdeathAndrews/Herzberg Birthday and Deathday Dataset
bumpConvert Dimensions of Approval Data
cell-boundCompute the lower or upper bound
cell-boundsCompute the lower and upper bounds
cityLiving Location Preference Dataset
condorcetFind a Condorcet Choice.
cookieGirl Scout Cookie Preferences
count-fiberCount the elements of a fiber Ax = b
count-tablesCount Similarly Margined Contingency Tables
drugsUse of Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Marijuana by High School...
EmakerCreate the expected higher-order statistics calculating...
ggvarietyPlot a variety
habermanHaberman's Positive Margin no Three-way Interaction MLE
handyHandedness Data
hmatConstruct a Hierarchical Model Matrix
lawrenceCompute the Lawrence lifting of a configuration matrix
loglinearFit a hierarchical log-linear model with algebraic methods
lpnormLp Norm
mchooseMultinomial Coefficient
metropolisThe Metropolis Algorithm
MmakerMarginals matrix
PmakerPairs matrix
political_goalsRelative Rankings of Importance of Four Political Goals
politicsPolitics by Personality
print.loglinearPretty printing of loglinear's output
print.spectralPretty Printing of Spectral's Output
project-ontoVector Projection
project-onto-varietyProjection onto a variety
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rfiberSample from the fiber of a contingency table
rmoveGenerate random moves on a fiber
rvnormThe Variety Normal Distribution
rvotesRandom Spectral Data
SmakerMeans matrix (rank data)
spectralAnalyze a Rank Dataset
subsetsCompute Subsets
tab2arrayTable to array conversion
tab-fillFill a table with a number
teshapeInterconvert data structures
TmakerCreate the sufficient statistics calculating matrix for...
triangularCreate a triangular matrix
UmakerU matrix (rank data)
dkahle/algstat documentation built on May 23, 2023, 12:29 a.m.