political_goals: Relative Rankings of Importance of Four Political Goals

political_goalsR Documentation

Relative Rankings of Importance of Four Political Goals


2262 Germans were asked to rank the following in order of importance : (1) maintain order in the nation, "order"; (2) give people more say in decisions in the government, "say"; (3) fight rising prices, "prices"; and (4) protect freedom of speech, "freedom".




An atomic named vector of length 4! = 24


The first reference


Barnes, S. H. and Kaase, M. (1979). Political Action: Mass Participation in Five Western Countries. Sage, Beverly Hills, CA.

Croon, M. A. (1998). Latent class models for the analysis of rankings. New Developments in Psychological Choice Modeling, 99–121. Feger, Klauer, and de Soete, eds. North-Holland, Amsterdam.

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