Tmaker: Create the sufficient statistics calculating matrix for...

View source: R/makers.r

TmakerR Documentation

Create the sufficient statistics calculating matrix for approval data


Create the sufficient statistics calculating matrix for approval data


Tmaker(m, k, d)



the number of objects


the number of objects selected


the order-effect for the desired matrix (0 to k)



See Also

Emaker(), Amaker(), Mmaker(), Pmaker(), Smaker()


Tmaker(4, 2, 0) # m
Tmaker(4, 2, 1) # generates how many of each
Tmaker(4, 2, 2) # gives data (order = subsets(1:4, 2))

Tmaker(5, 2, 0)
Tmaker(5, 2, 1)
Tmaker(5, 2, 2)

Tmaker(4, 3, 0) #
Tmaker(4, 3, 1) # subsets(1:4, 3), 1 is in 1, 2, and 3
Tmaker(4, 3, 2) # subsets(1:4, 2)
Tmaker(4, 3, 3)

data(cookie); cookie

## voting statistics at different levels

# projection onto V0: the number of people in survey
effectsOnV0 <- Tmaker(6, 3, 0) %*% cookie$freq
colnames(effectsOnV0) <- "Total Votes"
effectsOnV0 # = sum(cookie$freq)

# projection onto V1: the number of people voting for each cookie
effectsOnV1 <- Tmaker(6, 3, 1) %*% cookie$freq
row.names(effectsOnV1) <- cookie$cookies
colnames(effectsOnV1) <- "Total Votes"

# projection onto V2: the number of people voting for each cookie-pair
effectsOnV2 <- Tmaker(6, 3, 2) %*% cookie$freq
row.names(effectsOnV2) <- sapply(subsets(cookie$cookies, 2), paste, collapse = ", ")
colnames(effectsOnV2) <- "Total Votes"

# projection onto V3: the number of people voting for each cookie-triple
effectsOnV3 <- Tmaker(6, 3, 3) %*% cookie$freq
row.names(effectsOnV3) <- sapply(subsets(cookie$cookies, 3), paste, collapse = ", ")
colnames(effectsOnV3) <- "Total Votes"
effectsOnV3 # = t(t(cookie$freq)) = the (freq) data

dkahle/algstat documentation built on May 23, 2023, 12:29 a.m.