dMod.frame: Generate a dMod.frame

View source: R/dModFrameClass.R

dMod.frameR Documentation

Generate a dMod.frame


Basically, a dMod.frame is a tibble, which is grouped rowwise.

Since the dMod.frame is also designed for interactive use, the class will not be called "dMod.frame" as I initially planned, but will be c("tbl_df"). This way, I don't have to overwrite all the dplyr-verbs.

The dMod.frame object stores all objects that are needed to reproducibly produce a result, such as a plot or profiles, in one row of a tibble. Each row corresponds to a distinct hypothesis, e.g. one would have two distinct rows for fitting with and without a prior.


dMod.frame(hypothesis, g, x, p, data, e = NULL, ...)



Character. Description of the hypothesis








data.frame or datalist, will be coerced to datalist




other columns, have to be named. They will be placed in a list.


Object of class tbl_df, which is grouped rowwise.


## Not run: 

# ---- Example
library(dplyr) # devtools::install_github("dlill/conveniencefunctions")

## Model definition (text-based, scripting part)
f <- NULL %>%
  addReaction("A", "B", "k1*A", "translation") %>%
  addReaction("B",  "", "k2*B", "degradation") %>%

events <- eventlist(var = "A", time = 5, value = "A_add", method = "add")

x <- odemodel(f, events = events) %>% Xs

g <- Y(c(Bobs = "s1*B"), x, compile = T, modelname = "obsfn")

conditions <- c("a", "b")

# there is a bug in
# getParameters(g*x)
parameters <- union(getParameters(g), getParameters(x))

trafo <-
  NULL %>%
  define("x~x", x = parameters) %>%
  branch(conditions = conditions) %>%
  insert("x~x_cond", x = "s1", cond = condition) %>%
  insert("x~1", x = "added", conditionMatch = "a") %>%
  insert("x~5", x = "added", conditionMatch = "b") %>%
  insert("x~exp(x)", x = getSymbols(mytrafo[[i]])) %>%

p <- P(trafo)

# Parameter transformation for steady states
pSS <- P(f, method = "implicit", condition = NULL, compile = T)

## Process data

# Data
data <- datalist(
  a = data.frame(time = c(0, 2, 7),
                 name = "Bobs",
                 value = c(.3, .3, .3),
                 sigma = c(.03, .03, .03)),
  b = data.frame(time = c(0, 2, 7),
                 name = "Bobs",
                 value = c(.1, .1, .2),
                 sigma = c(.01, .01, .02))

# construct dMod.frame
myframe1 <- dMod.frame("no steady states", g, x, p, data)

# Augment by derived objects: prd, obj_data, obj, times, pars
myframe2 <- appendObj(myframe1)

# Plot the model with random pars

# Fit with prior
myframe3 <- myframe2 %>%
  mutate(constr = list(constraintL2(mu = 0*pars, sigma = 5)),
         obj = list(obj_data + constr))

myframe4 <- myframe3 %>%
  mutate(fits = list(mstrust(obj, pars, studyname = "Fits", fits = 20, cores = 4, blather = T)))

# Inspect Fits
myframe5 <- myframe4 %>%

# Visualize
# Little Bug: If you want to use the dots that go to subset(), you need to specify the others
plotCombined(myframe5, 1, 1, str_detect(name, "B"))



plotValues(myframe5, 1, tol =0.0000000001, value >1)

# Profiles
myframe6 <- myframe5 %>%
  mutate(profiles = list(profile(obj, as.parvec(parframes), whichPar = "k1")))

myframe6$profiles %>% plotProfile()

# Validation

myframe7 <- myframe6 %>%
  mutate(vali = list(datapointL2("A", 2, "mypoint", .1, condition = "a")),
         obj_vali = list(obj_data + constr + vali),
         par_vali = list(c(dMod:::sanitizePars(as.parvec(parframes))$pars, "mypoint" = 0.1 )),
         fits_vali = list(mstrust(obj_vali, par_vali)),
         profile_vali = list(profile(obj_vali, fits_vali %>% as.parframe %>% as.parvec, "mypoint")))

myframe7$profile_vali %>% plotProfile()

# Saving ----

# Save dMod.frame as rds, stage the rds and the .so's it depends on for commit
system("git status")
system("git status")

# Alternatetively:
# Look into you current wd to find the dMod.frame and the .so's zipped into a file.

# # Short version of above ----
# myframe <- dMod.frame("no steady states", g, x, p, data) %>% 
#   appendObj() %>% 
#   mutate(constr = list(constraintL2(mu = 0*pars, sigma = 5)),
#          obj = list(obj_data + constr),
#          fits = list(mstrust(obj, pars, studyname = "Fits", fits = 20, cores = 4, blather = T))) %>% 
#   appendParframes() %>% 
#   mutate(profiles = list(profile(obj, as.parvec(parframes), whichPar = "k1"))) %>% 
#   mutate(vali = list(datapointL2("A", 2, "mypoint", .1, condition = "a")),
#          obj_vali = list(obj_data + constr + vali),
#          par_vali = list(c(dMod:::sanitizePars(as.parvec(parframes))$pars, "mypoint" = 0.1 )),
#          fits_vali = list(mstrust(obj_vali, par_vali)),
#          profile_vali = list(profile(obj_vali, fits_vali %>% as.parframe %>% as.parvec, "mypoint")))

# Easily test several hypotheses ----

# Fit with various prior strengths 
multiframe <- dMod.frame("no steady states", g, x, p, data) %>% 
  appendObj() %>% 
  rbind(.,.,.,.) %>% # replicate four times
  ungroup() %>% # If you don't ungroup and run a mutate with an "lapply(1:nrow(), function(i) ...", the index i always gets restored to 1, as mutate() runs the expressions (...) independently for each group.
  mutate(constr = map(seq_along(x), function(i) constraintL2(mu = 0*pars[[i]], sigma = 10^(i-3))),
         hypothesis = map_chr(seq_along(x), function(i) paste0(hypothesis[[i]], ", prior sigma = ", 10^(i-3)))) %>% 
  rowwise() %>% #regroup by row for convenient interface to mutate()
  mutate(obj = list(obj_data + constr),
         fits = list(mstrust(obj, pars, studyname = "Fits", fits = 10, cores = 4, blather = T))) %>% 

## Plot
map(1:4, function(i) multiframe %>% plotValues(hypothesis = i))

map(1:4, function(i) multiframe %>% plotCombined(hypothesis = i))

## Profiles
multiframe <- multiframe %>% 
  mutate(profiles = list(profile(obj, parframes %>% as.parvec, names(pars), cores = 4)))

## Plot profiles: The "profiles"-column is already a proflist :)
multiframe$profiles %>% plotProfile() +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-0.5, 4), xlim = c(-2,2))

# Quick and dirty analysis of one single hypothesis ----
checkout_hypothesis(multiframe, 4, suffix = "_weak_prior")

## End(Not run)

dkaschek/dMod documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 1:37 a.m.